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Teuthida 05-11-2012 07:44 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
This thread is like reading a blacked out FBI document. :)

ZebraRampage 05-11-2012 09:29 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 282957)
This thread is like reading a blacked out FBI document. :)

I might have to edit my post to more accurately look like a confidential document.

EDIT: There, I fixed it!

Teuthida 05-12-2012 03:54 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Haha perfect!

Seth 05-12-2012 07:47 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
I forget, was the wilding that Theon and Starks capture in season one, was she in the book? Because it seems like she has replaced the Reeds...

ZebraRampage 05-12-2012 09:13 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Seth (Post 282960)
I forget, was the wilding that Theon and Starks capture in season one, was she in the book? Because it seems like she has replaced the Reeds...

Osha, the wildling woman, was captured in the first book. She was with the party of wildlings that tried to capture/kill Bran when he was in the Wolfswood with Robb and a few other men from Winterfell. Theon and Robb killed all the other Wildlings and captured Osha in the process.

Osha was still part of the escape in the book, but the Reeds were there too.

Angrist 05-13-2012 03:25 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
The Reeds aren't wildlings. Although I guess they share the same 'magic'.

Professor S 05-15-2012 06:57 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Can we please discuss the series and not the books? This thread had become completely useless to me because every sentence is redacted in some way, yet STILL manages to spoil plot lines.

Typhoid 05-15-2012 03:22 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 282971)
Can we please discuss the series

Someone will shout "But in the books...".

That's my main "problem" with watching the show. Sometimes the people I'm with will comment about how a certain scene "isn't in the books", or "It didnt happen like that in the book".

I feel like saying "No, of course not. This is not a book. Please pay more attention to the understanding of a 50 minute timeslot and the idea of attempting constant viewing entertainment attempting to draw in paying customers every week while also filling in storylines, and revising certain things in the story that the writer didn't specifically care for so you're simply not watching 50 minutes of in-a-characters-head-dialogue explaining his stance on what's happening."

The best comment was made when I was watching it on the weekend:

Person A: "Where's his [John Snow] wolf? He was everywhere in the book."
Person B: "I don't know. Probably off not wasting the CGI budget."

Anyways, I thought it was a good episode. I think they all are. I haven't really been let down yet.
I've heard people bitch and complain that the dragons weren't stolen in the books.
Having not read the book, I say: tough shit.
I'd rather watch what they put in, than watch her play with her dragons and talk about how much she loves them for those 17 minutes.
But she'll get her dragons back anyhow.

I'll make future predictions, as a non-book reader and show-lover.
When I'm thinking about what will happen in the show, I try to apply real medieval thinking to it. Because it seems clear this is written more like faux-fantasy-histroy, and less like "These characters you're reading about/watching are invincible" as in normal stories/shows. There might be invincible characters, but just because you've got the perspective of a character doesn't mean that person won't die. Everyone is mortal but those who are not - rather than everyone is immortal but those who are not.

It seems clear that the Starks are all fucked. That seems like a theme of the show; is that the Starks are the glue that held Westeros together (metaphorically, not through actions.) and once Geoffrey had Ned killed; the kids spread out for vengeance/to flee [making them easier to pick apart and kill. Divide and conquer]- the armies will clash and destroy eachother - which will then cause the empire to be weak to attack from some dragons, or an attack from wildings and/or some other small-army-turned-opportunist. And all that magic shit, and walkers and all that. The people will pick themselves apart with petty fights, and then once magic demons spring forth, they'll all get their faces raped with demon-dicks. All the people leading armies are typically young men who (I believe) don't remember the last winter they had [And if they're not young men who don't remember winter, they're angry adults with blinders on]. And apparently winter is horribly terrifying - so they're not thinking about what will come in winter, they're thinking about pointless shit that won't matter once winter comes.

I think one of the only Starks that won't be harmed is Rickon. That kid is clearly magic (and his sister. Forget her name). He has magic dreams and shit. Same with the girl. But she's too into Lannister shit, she'll probably either die or be an opportunistic traitor. There was a lot of emphasis on legacy and family history and all that when he was talking to her. Maybe she'll be brainwashed and treat him like a father figure in time, or just act like she is so she can get a sword in him.
I also don't consider John Snow to be a Stark, because he is a Snow. So I'm not including him in the "I think all the Starks are basically boned" idea. He's got some wildling in him, so he'll probably try to get in with them to get back to his people. maybe he'll outright join them. Nothing has happened to give me a clear way to speculate, really. Magic or not - I'm applying the idea that these people are humans, and have the human desire to survive through opportunistic lying. Much like everyone who gained power in medieval Europe. :lol:

I think Sansa (or whatever) will get pregnant with the cunty-kings kid. But I have a feeling that makes her immediately doomed because the people will want to gut the Lannister family of Geoffrey's bloodline.

And for the love of God if you're read the books, don't comment on predictions. Right or wrong, because either way you're giving a definite answer. Speculation is the fun part.

DarkMaster 05-15-2012 05:36 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
The changes from the books are, in my opinion, done really damn well. Especially for Dany because her story sucks big time in the second book and really needed some sprucing up. I'd rather not be bored watching the show just so some book readers can be happy that it stays truer to the source, and I AM a book reader. The books are mostly old, they're great, I enjoy them, and I enjoy the hell out this show, possibly be even more so far. I look for places on other forums to discuss the show, and they're filled with the scum of the internet.

Anyways, I won't mention the books anymore, I'm fine with that. This episode was dope, can't wait to see the House of the Undying, and many more things coming. Sad that it's almost over, and at the same time excited as hell for next season, depsite how far away it is.

Angrist 05-15-2012 05:44 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 282971)
Can we please discuss the series and not the books? This thread had become completely useless to me because every sentence is redacted in some way, yet STILL manages to spoil plot lines.

I really think that Professor S is too worried about things that don't in fact bother him. Talking about the series is almost impossible without talking about the books. People will always have questions like who is that person, how was it in the book, etc.

So Professor S, all things considered, there is nothing wrong with talking about the books in this thread. At least not until you can define how it bothers you so much.

Typhoid 05-15-2012 07:59 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

At least not until you can define how it bothers you so much.
He said why.


because every sentence is redacted in some way, yet STILL manages to spoil plot lines.

ZebraRampage 05-15-2012 09:54 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
I won't comment about the books anymore either, since this is strictly about the show. And I won't spoil anything about the show either. With my last post I was just trying to clear up what most people were saying about the books, and adding a few things, but that's all I'll contribute.

The series is pretty damn good regardless of the changes, which are inevitable. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this whole series plays out through to the 5th book. This story has so many plot lines and so much to come as well.

Angrist 05-16-2012 01:32 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 282977)
He said why.

You don't get it.

Professor S 05-16-2012 04:21 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
In any case, I really like what they are doing this season. Last season you knew there would be conflict, but they established a known universe that had existing rules (EX: The Iron Throne rules the kingdoms, the wildlings are at bay, and dragons/magic don't exist). This season, tipping over with Ed Stark's execution, all of this has been put on it's head. The question isn't who will be on the Iron Throne, but whether or not the Iron Throne will even matter anymore. The entire world is revolting and you are left with a sense that all things are possible and their current conflicts may end up being trivial in the greater scheme of things. Completely brilliant.

Professor S 05-21-2012 10:02 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 282980)
You don't get it.

What does he, or I, not "get"?

Angrist 05-21-2012 02:33 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
This part. I wanted to be funny.

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 282976)
So Professor S, all things considered, there is nothing wrong with talking about the books in this thread. At least not until you can define how it bothers you so much.

Typhoid 05-21-2012 04:00 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
This wasn't my favourite episode. Not because I thought it was bad.
Just because I wasn't anticipating that much intense silence/dialogue in one episode. I guess they had to cram it in for set-up for next episode(s).

I have nothing to really comment on because not a whole lot really "happened". It seemed more of a set-up for future episodes, which is totally understandable and okay. Heavy dialogue and character building needs to be accomplished, too.

My favourite parts were when Aria gave _____ his own name, and he said "A girl has no honour", and she just shrugged nonchalantly. I thought that was great on a lot of levels. Also the pronunciation of the writer of The History of the Battles of Westeros (or whatever it was called). Dinklage is a great actor. The way he just stared at that book afterwards when he wasn't in dialogue like he was still trying to figure it out, then just gives the subtle not and a "Ha!" later when the name is said.

DarkMaster 05-21-2012 10:07 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Definitely a calm before the storm episode, checking in with every character and major plot point before their climax. Damn only 2 episodes left.

Professor S 05-21-2012 10:51 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 283032)
Also the pronunciation of the writer of The History of the Battles of Westeros (or whatever it was called). Dinklage is a great actor. The way he just stared at that book afterwards when he wasn't in dialogue like he was still trying to figure it out, then just gives the subtle not and a "Ha!" later when the name is said.

After two episodes that were light on The Dink, it was good to see him back in full awesomeness last night. May have been his best performance yet.

Dylflon 05-22-2012 01:20 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 282974)

The best comment was made when I was watching it on the weekend:

Person A: "Where's his [John Snow] wolf? He was everywhere in the book."
Person B: "I don't know. Probably off not wasting the CGI budget."

I was person B! :D

BreakABone 05-28-2012 12:45 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Think best ep of the series to date.

DarkMaster 05-28-2012 10:00 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
unbelievably good episode, surpassed all my expectations. From start to finish I was blown away. One more episode left..... I can't believe we're already pretty much done and have to wait another year.

Vampyr 05-28-2012 10:48 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Illyn Payne creeps me out.

Typhoid 05-28-2012 03:42 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
That was the most badass episode of pure badassness that has existed to date.

"There are brave men outside of those gates. Let's go kill them!"

ZebraRampage 06-04-2012 05:23 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Those White Walkers were something eh? I can't wait for a Storm of Swords.

Typhoid 06-04-2012 06:04 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Maybe if I post someone will disagree with me.

what the fuck is this shit..

Angrist 06-04-2012 06:23 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
I think there's actually a difference between real White Walkers and the Zombies they create.

But I'm not sure, it's been a while.

Teuthida 06-04-2012 07:42 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
White Walker:


Didn't embed in case someone didn't watch the final ep but it explains each one.

ZebraRampage 06-04-2012 09:27 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Hah Typh, not sure how serious you are, but they had to conclude all the other storylines in order to setup for the next season. The first season was much better though because everything was simpler because most of the characters were close together.

Also, as Teuthida showed, the White Walkers are those guys with the blue swords and all white. They summon the dead as wights, so that's why they looked like zombies.

There isn't as much realism now because magic is just starting to become more prevalent. And if you think the characters are nothing what you thought they'd be then you better just stop watching for good because this is just the beginning.

I didn't like how at the end of this last episode that they kept jumping between different storylines after only a shot or two. Especially with the Wildings part and the House of the Undying part.

Is there a place that we can discuss the books separately from the show? I guess the general forum would work.

Typhoid 06-04-2012 11:48 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Hah Typh, not sure how serious you are
0%. ;)

I love the show, and I think it's great. My favourite show by far right now.
I'm just typically a response-magnet, so I was trying to garner more posts.
Get the ball rolling, you know. :lol: Someone disagrees with something I say (Someone is bound to try prove 'my opinion' moot), say what they liked about the show, other people would hopefully comment on how my opinion is wrong, and then the thread would be active again with talk of current events on the show, actors, writing, progress, hopeful direction of the show etc.


I didn't like how at the end of this last episode that they kept jumping between different storylines after only a shot or two.
I agree. It seemed pretty damn sporadic. But I imagine it's hard to tie up lose ends when you don't have another week, and you want to leave several hooks for viewers to dwell on over the break.


Is there a place that we can discuss the books separately from the show?


I guess the general forum would work.

Dylflon 06-05-2012 05:00 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Lol, wild fire wasn't wild enough.

I actually did complain that Gregor "The Mountain That Rides" Clegane wasn't tall enough back in the first season.

Then I saw him do a couple more things.

I guess he's pretty tall...

Finale was pretty good. Tyrion's face scar made him look kinda like William H Macy for some reason...

I thought it was funny that they gave the invented prostitute characters (Roz?) some more stuff to do.

Pumped for next season. Book readers can assume what the next season's cliff hanger will be if they're breaking ASOS into two seasons. But don't you dare talk about it, you charlatans.

DarkMaster 06-05-2012 08:56 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Is it April 2013 yet? Bleh, long ass waits, hate em. I'm going to read through the books again to pass the time. Was very excited when I saw a casting list for new characters next season. They really are going to have everyone covered, god damn.

Seth 04-08-2013 02:04 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Now it's April 2013. woot

Vampyr 04-08-2013 10:46 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Time flies.

I'm really enjoying the season so far. This is the point where I quit reading the books, so I'm the dark as to what's going to happen.

I do like that they're throwing in a bit more comic relief to offset the life-or-death suspense of nearly every other scene. I feel like that's an area where The Walking Dead could benefit...I get really tired of the EVERYTHING'S BAD AND EVERYBODY IS BAD schtick.

TheGame 04-15-2013 05:28 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
The end of Ep 3 was crazy.

Vampyr 04-15-2013 11:01 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
I actually knew that was going to happen (I read that far into book 3,) and it still took me my complete surprise.

Probably my favorite episode of the season thus far. The scene with Pod/Bronn/Tyrion after the brothel scene was pretty hilarious.

Acebot44 04-15-2013 12:29 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Definitely my favorite episode of this season, and maybe one of the best in the series, mainly because of the several bits of humor interjected throughout; Edmure's face is hilarious, Tyrion dragging his chair, Podrick showing Tyrion and Bronn why his last name is Payne ;) .

I can't wait to see how they handle Theon's storyline....and the reactions of TV watchers.

Teuthida 04-15-2013 11:06 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

BreakABone 04-16-2013 02:33 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
This was a damn fine episode

I do hope the dude who keeps talking trash about Mother of Dragons gets his in the most brutal fashion

Didn't see the end coming at all

Teuthida 04-22-2013 01:00 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
That ending...doesn't get more badass than that.

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