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manasecret 11-03-2010 10:08 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Sweet episode. I like how they just confronted some of the zombie cliche plots up front and got them out of the way. 1. Having to shoot a child. 2. Having to shoot your wife & mother of your child. 3. Finding the "salvation city". That's all I can think of at the moment, any others? I also like the pacing, and the despairing moment going into the fetal position when he is coming to grips with what happens. Plot, pacing, and dialogue is good so far.

The only thing is, I'm waiting for someone to say, "WTF??? Zombies are actually real????" I mean, do these people exist outside of our common Western movie culture? But I suppose the second episode may rectify that with the new voice from the tank radio.

Swan 11-03-2010 11:15 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 273262)
Well, at their current pace they're burning through one issue every hour episode. At that rate, they will finish the first trade at the end of this six episode season.

Yeah, I recently found out season was only six episodes so that doesn't bother anymore. I had assumed it would be the same length as as a standard television season(about 16 or so)

Professor S 11-04-2010 08:29 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by manasecret (Post 273274)
The only thing is, I'm waiting for someone to say, "WTF??? Zombies are actually real????" I mean, do these people exist outside of our common Western movie culture? But I suppose the second episode may rectify that with the new voice from the tank radio.

Actually I hope they never do that. Its too much of a wink to the audience and would break the tone of the story. I think the story works much better if that universe had never heard of a zombie.

Typhoid 11-05-2010 09:45 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by manasecret (Post 273274)
The only thing is, I'm waiting for someone to say, "WTF??? Zombies are actually real????" I mean, do these people exist outside of our common Western movie culture? But I suppose the second episode may rectify that with the new voice from the tank radio.

Why can't viewers of today suspend logic for the entertainment value of a show?
Why does every zombie outbreak-show/movie need an explainable medical answer, and can't just be taken at face value of what it is?

People these days. :ohreilly: ;)

Angrist 11-06-2010 03:07 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
So.... a new episode every week?

Vampyr 11-06-2010 10:32 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Caught the encore of the pilot last night on AMC.

It was really, really good. Looking forward to the next episode tomorrow.

BreakABone 11-08-2010 05:06 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Second episode was pretty cool, but think it lost something near the end.

Show isn't shying away from the gore it seems.

Angrist 11-08-2010 05:19 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Episode 2 was nice but not as good as the first. It was quite predictable, although they broke the prisoner-cliché I guess.

Teuthida 11-08-2010 06:22 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Spoilers tags are for stuff that happens in the comic.

I wasn't blown away by the first ep but I was downright disappointed by the 2nd. And more from the perspective of it being an AMC show (which I hold to higher standards) than straying so far away from the comic.

When they said they were going to change things from the comic, I thought it would be more to move things around or fix pacing issues, and any changes would be improvements. Been lurking on the IMDb boards. Every problem with the show non readers seem to have is with everything they've changed, so it's not just me nerdraging.

New characters:
Racist redneck.
A guy named T-Dog. T-Dog? Really? It was one thing if he just called himself that but I cringed when Dale referred to him by that name over the radio.
The city planner who's only purpose was to provide a couple minute sewer scene. Might as well have not even been there.
The other guy was ok I guess. Just there.

The zombies are way too cognitive. Using a rock to break the window? Climbing fences? How are they going to stay in the prison later when there was basically just one big fence protecting them?

Editing error with T-Dog. He was with them when they were chopping up the body after which Rick gives him the key. But then when everyone runs back on the roof, he's already there sitting on the ground across from Dixon where he was earlier.

Pretty bad acting all around. Though funny enough I think Rick acted more Rick like this ep. Glen is the closet to his comic book counterpart. I don't remember how Andrea acted this early.

They keep hitting us over the head with the affair. It's like every AMC show I watch they make it point for you to hate the wife. Was a lot more gradual in the comic making you wonder about what the deal with Shane was before actually revealing it.

Professor S 11-08-2010 06:59 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Teuth, I couldn't agree more. I don't know why they felt the need to make the changes they did. The characters the added are the so obviously tacked on and cliche when compared to those from the comic.

I'm saving hope that they will have more character development for the new characters later on, or at least use them as zombie food to push home the idea that anyone can die at any time.

And yes, the zombies are far too smart and are too much of a threat. Zombies do not use tools or climb ladders, and they DON'T FUCKING RUN.

Fox 6 11-08-2010 07:40 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Been renewed for a second season of 13 episodes

Vampyr 11-08-2010 07:43 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Having never read the comic, I really enjoyed the second episode. XD

There are a few too many cliches though, as others have mentioned. Cliche redneck, stereotypically named African American, cliche douchebag cheating with his best friends wife.

Angrist 11-09-2010 12:31 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Ah yes, the sewer lady. That scene was boring and not needed. Anti-climax. They go explore a scary sewer because 1 lady just happens to know about them (they didn't need her to know that by the way). After some not-so-suspenseful minutes they discover 1 zombie and return to the surface. Boring! 10 minutes wasted.

I actually liked that some zombies were smart enough to use bricks and climb stuff. It suits the whole theme of them retaining some personality.

But I hated the scene where those 2 covered themselves with zombie gore. I don't want that to work, it makes things too easy.
Oh and the guy with the axe was wearing a helmet, but the rest was watching him and wore no protection...

Fox 6 11-09-2010 06:01 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Both the "cliche" best friend fooling around with the wife, and them covering themselves with gore to blend in are original to the comic. If they took them out, they would get far more fanboys complaining about it. Also I find it amusing that some of you are complaining that a zombie used a rock to break a window, When in the very first episode the guys zombie wife basically knew the house that she had hid with her family and died in, and she operated the doornob.

Vampyr 11-09-2010 10:29 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Fox 6 (Post 273354)
Both the "cliche" best friend fooling around with the wife, and them covering themselves with gore to blend in are original to the comic. If they took them out, they would get far more fanboys complaining about it. Also I find it amusing that some of you are complaining that a zombie used a rock to break a window, When in the very first episode the guys zombie wife basically knew the house that she had hid with her family and died in, and she operated the doornob.

Like I said, never read the comic, but I don't care if its in there or not, it's cliche. :P

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