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Typhoid 04-26-2010 03:41 PM

Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by KillerGremlin (Post 267789)
I'm not sure where this Good/Bad straw man came from, as I never said the religion was good or bad. I questioned the validity of the belief using a scientific and now legal approach.

You alluded to "If 1 billion people are wrong" which I took as a direct statement to Muslims, opposed to a comparison of 1 billion people on some other topic.


but then I'd ask you to prove the existence of Allah.
Prove God doesn't/Prove he does. Blah blah blah. That's circular and retarded.
And yes, I'm aware the absence of proof isn't proof.
And for the record, I am not religious, so I have no stake in any of this.


No, it wouldn't. In fact early Christians or whoever fucked a lot of good stuff up. Word in the history books is Alexander the Great had a library full of information that was burned to the ground by fundamentalists, information that was recently rediscovered as early as just a few hundred years ago. It wasn't until Copernicus got the wheels of science rolling again that people realized how bad the anti-science mentality from religion was. This is totally subjective, of course.
No, I agree with you.
What I was getting at was that hundreds and hundreds of years ago the world was flat (as far as everyone knew), making the statement of "The world is flat" a 'fact', until proven otherwise. So to think the world was flat in an age where the world was depicted to be flat wouldn't be wrong, or crazy. By our standards, completely.

manasecret 04-26-2010 03:43 PM

Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 267788)
+ 5 Internet points.

Read my last post, you know - the one where I adressed you with my point.

+10 Internet points divided by two for editing your point in after I read it


Edit: Here, I'll do it for you.

"I'm trying to get the point across that A) Freedom of Speech is not universal B) The Middle East in general has a VERY different culture - at least amongst the extremists. They aren't as relaxed as we are about shit like this."

That's not a point, you're just telling us facts that we already all know. Honestly, so what are we supposed to do with those two supposed points? Are we supposed to kowtow to violent people because they pulled some rule out of their ass 1500 years ago and they're not ok with people making fun of them yet?

Typhoid 04-26-2010 03:49 PM

Re: No mohammed discussion?

That's not a point, you're just telling us facts that we already all know.
Good, then you agree my points as being fact.

Good discussion, carry on amongst yourselves.

Professor S 04-26-2010 03:57 PM

Re: No mohammed discussion?
I'll just add this:

The media isn't avoiding the utterance of Mohammad out of respect. They are avoiding the name out of abject fear. That cannot be described as good under any definition of the word.

manasecret 04-26-2010 04:07 PM

Re: No mohammed discussion?
Well done, Typhoid, well done. I guess you agree that you have no point then.

I'm all for denouncing the use of violence and fear to attempt to stop freedom of speech and poking fun, no matter how supposedly sacrosanct the speech may be poking fun at. Even after all those posts, I am left wondering if you are, too.

Teuthida 04-26-2010 04:25 PM

Re: No mohammed discussion?
*sigh* I thought I was done with this thread.

On science:
Everyone should be free to believe whatever cannot be proven by science. Don't believe in evolution or think the world is flat. We'll have words. Think there's an omniscient invisible dude in the sky? Whatever.

On respect:
If you trick a vegetarian into eating meat, you're a dick.
If you draw a swastika on someone's property, you're a dick.
If you call someone the n-word, you're a dick.
If you depict Mohammed, you're a dick.
If I could think up something for Christians to be a dick about I would but it seems most of them don't agree on anything and constantly break all their own rules anyway.

Comedians can get away with racey material about their own race/religion. If you (not of that race/religon) do it, you're a dick and a bigot.

To summarize: Don't be a dick.

manasecret 04-26-2010 04:52 PM

Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 267795)
*sigh* I thought I was done with this thread.

On science:
Everyone should be free to believe whatever cannot be proven by science. Don't believe in evolution or think the world is flat. We'll have words. Think there's an omniscient invisible dude in the sky? Whatever.

Pretty good definition, except nothing can be proven in science. There is simply a consensus on the best given theory. Most people, however, who say evolution is false or might think the world is flat, aren't actually interested in real science, despite what they might think. But anyway...


On respect:
If you trick a vegetarian into eating meat, you're a dick.
If you draw a swastika on someone's property, you're a dick.
If you call someone the n-word, you're a dick.
If you depict Mohammed, you're a dick.
If I could think up something for Christians to be a dick about I would but it seems most of them don't agree on anything and constantly break all their own rules anyway.
I just don't think those are equal. Maybe if you depict Mohammad, and then shoved it in front of a Muslim's face, forcing them to see it, then you're a dick. Depicting Mohammad in your own space or show? IMO that's hardly being a dick. Forcing someone to not depict Mohammad in their own space, and force it with fear of violence? THAT's being a dick, and far more.


Comedians can get away with racey material about their own race/religion. If you (not of that race/religon) do it, you're a dick and a bigot.

To summarize: Don't be a dick.
Disagree with this, too. Comedians do equal opportunity insulting all the time.

Teuthida 04-26-2010 05:04 PM

Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by manasecret (Post 267796)
I just don't think those are equal. Maybe if you depict Mohammad, and then shoved it in front of a Muslim's face, forcing them to see it, then you're a dick. Depicting Mohammad in your own space or show? IMO that's hardly being a dick. Forcing someone to not depict Mohammad in their own space, and force it with fear of violence? THAT's being a dick, and far more.

That's fair. As Typhoid pointed out though, they don't want Mohammed becoming a joke like has Jesus become. Besides things like Buddy Jesus, you have folks traveling hundreds of miles to see a potato chip that sort of maybe looks like what people imagine he looked like. That's ridiculous. Best to stop images completely. Threatening with violence is never the answer though. I guess I can't assume folks will just play nice. Too many Americans are segregated from Islamic culture. All they know comes from TV and these stupid extremists. Easy to villainize.

Professor S 04-26-2010 05:22 PM

Re: No mohammed discussion?
After reading this thread I think the psychological community should advance political correctness to the level of a mental disease.

KillerGremlin 04-27-2010 02:03 AM

Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 267799)
After reading this thread I think the psychological community should advance political correctness to the level of a mental disease.

:lolz: :lolz: :lolz:
Amen! Alleluia! Derka Derka! Derka derka muhammad allah jihad.

It’s amazing, some of the responses in this thread.

TheSlyMoogle 04-27-2010 06:02 AM

Re: No mohammed discussion?
I think free speech trumps everything.

It may make you a dick but think you should be able to say and do as you please.

You might get murdered for it, but hey, you said what you had to say.

Just because I depicted Mohammad as a giant dildo, doesn't mean you should kill me.

You just do something way awesome like depict america as a giant asshole and show the dildo Mohammad fucking it.

Teuthida 04-27-2010 08:57 AM

Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by KillerGremlin (Post 267806)
It’s amazing, some of the responses in this thread.

I concur. :unsure:

Out of curiosity, anyone here actually have any Muslim friends?

Professor S 04-27-2010 09:04 AM

Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 267816)
Out of curiosity, anyone here actually have any Muslim friends?

I did in College, and they never threatened to kill me. I guess I got off lucky, because reading this thread that kind of behavior is apparently acceptable for Muslims.

Teuthida 04-27-2010 09:10 AM

Re: No mohammed discussion?

Just asked concerning empathy. Forget it. I'll just draw the lot of you giving Matt and Trey blowjobs for May 20.

(And for the record I didn't see the South Park episode so not sure what they did. Don't believe I ever saw an entire episode before either. The voices are too annoying to sit through half an hour. I saw BASEketball...that was mildly enjoyable at age 13.)

Professor S 04-27-2010 09:29 AM

Re: No mohammed discussion?

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 267818)

Just asked concerning empathy. Forget it. I'll just draw the lot of you giving Matt and Trey blowjobs for May 20.

(And for the record I didn't see the South Park episode so not sure what they did. Don't believe I ever saw an entire episode before either. The voices are too annoying to sit through half an hour. I saw BASEketball...that was mildly enjoyable at age 13.)

I don't think anyone is criticizing the showing of empathy, but that empathy should not be so selective. The entertainment media shits on other religions, especially Christianity at the drop of a hat and receive no threats of reprisal and outside of sympathetic religious circles there is virtually no outrage.

And for some reason the religion that threatens violence when it is parodied in mild fashion should receive special secular empathy? I don't understand the value system at play when it comes to the political correctness surrounding Islam.

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