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Teuthida 09-26-2011 02:09 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
Innnssssssaaaannne. That was some Joker level maniacal laughing.

And Ted...poor stupid Ted.

Acebot44 09-26-2011 08:40 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
This show is amazing. I'm all caught up and it's somewhat of a bittersweet feeling. I'm glad that I can watch along with everyone else, and share in the discussions each episode sparks...but I don't want to have to wait for the next and final season!

Something tells me that the next episode will have the mother of all cliff-hangers...

KillerGremlin 09-26-2011 09:04 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
I'm halfway through Season 4, almost caught up.

I'm glad they are killing this at Season 5. The show is near perfection, and I'd rather the show bow out gracefully then jump the shark like so many shows have in the past.

Fox 6 09-27-2011 02:05 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Can't wait to see where this all goes. Anyone else think Walt is gonna get the big C again at some point?

Angrist 10-01-2011 07:43 AM

Re: Breaking Bad

MartinJustice 10-03-2011 05:06 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
I am huge fan of TV shows and love to watch drama shows.
My favorite drama is Breaking Bad. I am die hard fan of Breaking Bad.
I love to Breaking Bad.


Fox 6 10-03-2011 08:42 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Say there Martin, what show do you like?

Also this season is building up to fucking insanity!

Bond 10-03-2011 08:59 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by MartinJustice (Post 278815)
My favorite drama is Breaking Bad. I am die hard fan of Breaking Bad.
I love to Breaking Bad.


A little redundant, no?


Teuthida 10-03-2011 09:20 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
^Just a tad.

Shameless plug: I made NOTR Breaking Bad themed for this week:

KillerGremlin 10-04-2011 12:36 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Apparently Jessie was supposed to die before Season 1 wrapped up, but his chemistry with Walter was so good they kept him. And apparently Tuco was supposed to stick around a lot longer, but he had contract issues. The show is a lot better as it stands. But crazy to think about.

Fox 6 10-10-2011 01:53 AM

Re: Breaking Bad

Teuthida 10-10-2011 03:37 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
So many tense moments and that was a great fake out.

Awesomely awesome awesomeness.

Teuthida 10-22-2011 08:18 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

KillerGremlin 10-30-2011 03:00 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
Soooo....I finished Season 4. Anyone want to discuss?

I think they could end the show here, and it would be all happy and bubbly, because I only see it going darker and down from here.

How long do you think Walt had his plan? The wasn't just shown in the finale, it was shown in the previous episode when Walt was chilling by the pool with the gun on the table.

Walt....evil genius mastermind?

Angrist 10-30-2011 07:49 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
When you watch the season a second time, you can notice Walt is acting a bit strange from time to time, so I think he's been walking around with it for a while. It's very subtle though, so yeah, pretty genius guy.
In my opinion it's only now that we find out how well cast the actor is for this roll.

So what did you think at the big scene in episode 8? It was pretty shocking for me.

Disclaimer: I have never watched the show, but you seemed so desperate for a chat, I figured I'd help you out.

Teuthida 10-30-2011 10:22 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
Haha, you had me going Angrist.

Not sure how spoiler-free suppose to keep this thread.

Yeah, from the gun spin. Sadly the reveal in the finale was ruined for me since a lot of folks were speculating on the plant since it was first shown.

Walt was able to keep Jane's death from Jesse easily but Huell and perhaps Sal (giving the kid candy with the plant?) are in on the poisoning even if they don't realize their role. Jesse will piece things together. Not to mention Hank.

Also I wonder what Mike will make of everything when he returns.

KillerGremlin 10-31-2011 01:15 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
I was lucky and watched the show on my own time and stayed the hell away from everyone, so I didn't have anything spoiled. The cinematography and acting is brilliant. The camera work and the imagery....oh my god. The swimming pools are constantly showing up, the scene with Walt in the basement laughing was (imo) a coffin metaphor. Just dark and brilliant, and some of the best acting I've seen on TV. But the show is funny and has levity.

It's hard to watch Breaking Bad and go back and watch poorly acted/written shit like Chuck or The Walking Dead.

I think Mike is going to be a huge concern. Gus had a huge network of supporters, as evident by the doctor scene. He has a huge network, and I assume there is a plan in place if he falls.

The thing is they need cooks. If they don't have a supply...then Gus' empire falls apart. Will be interesting to see what Walt and Jessie do.

I think Jessie is going to...put some stuff together. I immediately thought of Jane's death after the finale, the Season 4 finale echoes Jane's death. The difference is that while Walt could have saved Jane, Jane was pretty much instrumental in her own death. This time Walt was instrumental in killing Gus. But both Gus and Jane needed to go.

They have 16 episodes to tackle:

-What happens with Gus' crime organization

-What does Hank know/what happens with Hank?

-What does Jessie figure out?

-What does Mike do?

-Skyler. She knows that Walt is a badass now. How is she going to react to that?

Fox 6 10-31-2011 01:31 AM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by KillerGremlin (Post 279259)
I was lucky and watched the show on my own time and stayed the hell away from everyone, so I didn't have anything spoiled. The cinematography and acting is brilliant. The camera work and the imagery....oh my god. The swimming pools are constantly showing up, the scene with Walt in the basement laughing was (imo) a coffin metaphor. Just dark and brilliant, and some of the best acting I've seen on TV. But the show is funny and has levity.

It's hard to watch Breaking Bad and go back and watch poorly acted/written shit like Chuck or The Walking Dead.

I think Mike is going to be a huge concern. Gus had a huge network of supporters, as evident by the doctor scene. He has a huge network, and I assume there is a plan in place if he falls.

The thing is they need cooks. If they don't have a supply...then Gus' empire falls apart. Will be interesting to see what Walt and Jessie do.

I think Jessie is going to...put some stuff together. I immediately thought of Jane's death after the finale, the Season 4 finale echoes Jane's death. The difference is that while Walt could have saved Jane, Jane was pretty much instrumental in her own death. This time Walt was instrumental in killing Gus. But both Gus and Jane needed to go.

They have 16 episodes to tackle:

-What happens with Gus' crime organization

-What does Hank know/what happens with Hank?

-What does Jessie figure out?

-What does Mike do?

-Skyler. She knows that Walt is a badass now. How is she going to react to that?

Plus the whole Ted thing

KillerGremlin 10-31-2011 04:11 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
The whole Ted thing....

"an act of God"


Fox 6 10-31-2011 09:25 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
I dont think Skylar knows what went down yet.

Seth 01-23-2012 08:34 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Okay. Finally watched the pilot. What a way to start a season. I'm actually pissed at my roommates for their hesitancy in starting this show. They're all, "wanna play zelda:TP" or, I need to finish Lie to Me, or let's just watch a 20 minute CurburEnthusiasm. Driving me nuts because the show is obviously good. Soooo good. Can't wait to procrastinate school with this one. 4 seasons wahoo

I'm trying to think of something similar in vein. Fight Club comes to mind. Epiphany moment that rattles an individual out of their self loathing career, moving towards criminality. First two seasons of weeds was cool, then it flattened.
Quick question: Have you guys seen The Wire (2002). I have read a lot of rave recommendations for that show..

Teuthida 02-04-2012 11:24 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
^ Just finished The Wire recently. It's very good. Found it funny the last season has the actor who plays Gale and he's pitted against a man named Gus.

Don't watch if you're not caught up. Major spoilers.

DarkMaster 02-05-2012 08:01 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
The Wire is one of the best shows ever made, hands down. It's honestly essential viewing for any human being. Having said that, The Sopranos is still my favorite show, followed closely by The Wire and Breaking Bad. Potential additions to that pantheon are Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones, both of which have been amazing.

Teuthida 06-04-2012 04:16 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

NickWills 06-11-2012 11:16 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
Hi Guys,

Breaking Bad one of my favorite TV show because i like action shows. Breaking Bad chemistry is amazing & i really i like this serial story. Interesting part of this show all about story on chemistry teacher. I never missed the episode for this serial. Because i like to watch this.

Combine 017 06-11-2012 09:48 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

i really i like this serial story.
Made me :lol:

Now, who's job is it to remove the spammers. They're taking over!

DarkMaster 06-12-2012 08:42 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
So I read something tragic, that season 5 starting this summer, will only be half of the season, like 7 or 8 episodes, and the rest will conclude in 2013!!!

Teuthida 07-23-2012 05:16 AM

Re: Breaking Bad

BreakABone 07-23-2012 09:40 AM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by DarkMaster (Post 283241)
So I read something tragic, that season 5 starting this summer, will only be half of the season, like 7 or 8 episodes, and the rest will conclude in 2013!!!

Seems like trying to do a Breaking Bad>Walking Dead>Breaking Bad sandwich

Teuthida 07-23-2012 06:13 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Rotten meat between two slices of meth. Yum.

Fox 6 08-12-2012 11:05 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Best episode this season.

Teuthida 08-13-2012 11:04 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
Damn. So I guess Todd wasn't under cover after all.

Typhoid 08-13-2012 02:23 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 283815)
Damn. So I guess Todd wasn't under cover after all.

Or he's just really committed.

Fox 6 08-13-2012 08:21 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 283816)
Or he's just really committed.

Or the kid is in on it too

Seth 08-14-2012 08:47 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
That was awesome, Walt's reply to Skyler's query, "burying bodies?"

It did seem odd the way Todd preemptively took action without a questioning glance to either Walt or Jessie.

Teuthida 09-15-2012 09:33 AM

Re: Breaking Bad

Jason1 09-15-2012 03:53 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
I recently started watching this, and I am mid-way through the 2nd season.

I believe the 1st season was quite a bit better than season 2, but its still been good. I intend to keep watching.

Teuthida 08-13-2013 07:05 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

Teuthida 08-26-2013 10:45 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

BreakABone 08-26-2013 11:39 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
When they cut to commercial for Walt's confession.. I was intrigued

Was this something to be delivered after he died or something?

Then... we saw the confession.. and whole cow.. mega villain level confirmed

Though it still frightens me there there is a huge portion of people who sympathize with Walt

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