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Jason1 10-07-2012 09:27 PM

Re: First Presidential Debate

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 284209)
But as you see, the downward trend started after the internet bust.

Or as soon as President Bush took office.

Professor S 10-08-2012 08:53 AM

Re: First Presidential Debate

Originally Posted by Jason1 (Post 284214)
Or as soon as President Bush took office.

That's fair to say. As I've often mentioned, I am in no way a fan of Bush's domestic record.

It's also fair to say it leveled off pretty quickly after he was elected, as well. You can't say that about the time under Pres. Obama's administration. 4 years of steady declines.

Bond 10-10-2012 09:01 PM

Re: First Presidential Debate
VP debate tomorrow night should be interesting.

Professor S 10-11-2012 09:57 PM

Re: First Presidential Debate
This is a shitshow...

Professor S 10-11-2012 10:46 PM

Re: First Presidential Debate
I'd say Ryan closed the gap in the second half of the debate, but Biden won. He was a interrupting bully, and a little embarrassing at times, but he won. Actually, I thought Ryan was surprisingly ineffective on some subjects that are usually his strengths.

If anything, I think this shows just how good Romney is at debating. Both Romney and Ryan discussed similar points, but Romney articulated them more effectively.

Bond 10-11-2012 11:55 PM

Re: First Presidential Debate
That was the most bizarre debate I've seen in a while. I guess I'd call it a draw.

Teuthida 10-12-2012 04:13 AM

Re: First Presidential Debate
Is there a reason for the different format of the VP debate vs the Presidential one (sit down vs podium)?

Professor S 10-12-2012 08:32 AM

Re: First Presidential Debate

Originally Posted by Teuthida (Post 284230)
Is there a reason for the different format of the VP debate vs the Presidential one (sit down vs podium)?

I think each debate has a different format. The next one will be a town hall.

Professor S 10-12-2012 11:47 AM

Re: First Presidential Debate
Well this is surprising. Looks like Biden "Al Gored" himself a bit...

Bond 10-12-2012 06:17 PM

Re: First Presidential Debate
Closest RCP electoral map yet:

Looks like Romney is making significant gains in Florida, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Colorado.

Professor S 10-12-2012 06:22 PM

Re: First Presidential Debate
And it tightened up in OREGON?????

TheGame 10-13-2012 12:51 AM

Re: First Presidential Debate
Prof, I guess my question about the participation rates would be... what policies do you think led to it going down like it has? Do you consider this as bleeding caused by the previous administration that the new one couldn't stop fast enough? Or do you think something passed under the current administration that directly lead to this?

From every source I've read, it seems like the job situation has gotten better since late 2008. There must be either a lot of people who lost unemployment benefits, or a lot of new one-income households. It's hard to explain how there are so many more people actively working, while there are less people looking for work at the same time.

Professor S 10-13-2012 12:26 PM

Re: First Presidential Debate
Game, you've asked a lot, so let me take one at a time:


Originally Posted by TheGame (Post 284236)
Prof, I guess my question about the participation rates would be... what policies do you think led to it going down like it has?

I actually think Romney did a great job of explaining this. Many of the regulations that were placed on banking after the collapse were very ambiguous. Combine uncertainty with continued low interest rates and banks simply aren't encouraged to risk loans to small businesses or individuals. Higher risk, lower reward.


Do you consider this as bleeding caused by the previous administration that the new one couldn't stop fast enough? Or do you think something passed under the current administration that directly lead to this?
The Obama administration was not in power during the collapse, so I can hardly blame them for the collapse. I don't think anyone has. What I do believe is that they're prescriptions for curing the problem have not helped, and have likely hurt what natural market forces would have been able to accomplish. Our recovery has been pathetic. We should have hit 4% growth a year ago. Instead growth has slowed over the last 2 years.


From every source I've read, it seems like the job situation has gotten better since late 2008. There must be either a lot of people who lost unemployment benefits, or a lot of new one-income households. It's hard to explain how there are so many more people actively working, while there are less people looking for work at the same time.
Population growth. Out economy added 114,000 jobs in September, but needs to add over 200,000 just to keep up with new demand. Also, more and more young people are dropping out of the work force. Very troubling.

The bottom line is this: We need serious economic growth to improve the job situation. We have not had that, and in fact, we're moving in the wrong direction.

Bond 10-16-2012 08:06 PM

Re: First Presidential Debate
This will be fun.

Fox 6 10-16-2012 08:26 PM

Re: First Presidential Debate
Now we will find out who is the master debater

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