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BreakABone 04-03-2012 09:07 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Professor S (Post 282544)
It's called BRANDING, people; creating a recognizable brand name that people can hang their hat on and HBO can further monetize through licensing and merchandizing.

Yeah, its no different.. than the Twilight series which I believe all have different names, but keep Twilight so people know part of the saga.

And really.. who cares?

I mean changing the name wouldn't make a world of difference unless you are really really anal.

Teuthida 04-03-2012 09:30 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Or True Blood when the books are called The Southern Vampire Mysteries or The Sookie Stackhouse Novels.

This is a fun game. I demand more!

DarkMaster 04-04-2012 07:38 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Episode 2 was released early on HBO Go in Poland, I have found it online and watched it. As a reader of the books, I thought it was fucking great. This is going to be an incredible season.

Angrist 04-04-2012 07:55 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 282542)
To be fair Angrist, you're on book 3 of 7.
You're not even halfway through the Universe.

I read 3 of the 5 available books. I decided not to touch the books before book 7 is (almost) done. I don't want to keep rereading the first books to refresh my memory every time a book comes out. And I'm too afraid that the guy will die before he finishes his series.

So my brother read book 4, he and others say that pretty much nothing important happens in it. So I think it's safe to say that I have read 3/4 of the currently known universe.
I'm not saying I fully know the universe, but I'll say that I know it better than all the new fans who've only seen the series season 1. (Except maybe for all the silly details.)

So did you read the books? Do you disagree with what I said, that it's more and more about Ice and Fire and less about the Game of Thrones?


Originally Posted by BreakABone (Post 282549)
Yeah, its no different.. than the Twilight series which I believe all have different names, but keep Twilight so people know part of the saga.
And really.. who cares?

At least the Twilight series keeps using the book titles as subtitles.
I honestly have no idea so I have to ask: does A Game of Thrones season 2 have the subtitle "A Clash of Kings"?

Typhoid 04-04-2012 03:15 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

So did you read the books? Do you disagree with what I said, that it's more and more about Ice and Fire and less about the Game of Thrones?
I haven't read the books. That was beyond my point - which was more "You're not in any better of a position than the people you were talking down to considering you haven't finished the Universe, either." with your


And I guess A Song of Ice and Fire is too kiddy for the tough guys who think they know the universe.

Maybe in the books you haven't read - The Throne, and vying for control of the entire area is a major theme again - you wouldn't know, because you're only halfway through.

I'm not saying you're wrong, or anything like that - I'm definitely not really in any better position than you. Just that in not having finished 'the universe' yet, I doubt you're hardly in any position to judge the other likers of that series on what the title should be in relation to the theme, because at most you're either 2 books behind them (with 2 more to go), or 2 books ahead of them.

I will answer your original question though, even though it's moot because I haven't read the books - but as for watching Season 1, I can 100% understand why they chose the name "Game of Thrones" - because everyone is vying for control of that throne. The 'game' is the leniency they throw eachothers' lives away with all for control of a throne. Maybe not the Iron Throne. But as said in the last episode "There's a King in every corner."

"A song of Ice and Fire" makes very little sense for the show. First of all it sounds very dainty, and yes - this obviously matters especially when trying to sell your product to North America. Secondly, there has so far been very little singing, and not a whole lot of fire or ice aside from snow and stoves. Imagine The Walking Dead with no dead people walking around for an entire season. Imagine the characters in Lost knowing exactly where they were at all times.
I will clarify: That is tongue-in-cheek.
"A song of ice and fire" sort of implies some type of (if not sung) medium that you can read - which makes perfect sense for a book. Plus in being 7 books, you need a main title and then sub-titles for each book, because you can't really title your books "Book 1", "Book 2". However for shows, you cannot change the title of your TV show every year simply for continuity with the die-hard market. But you however can title your shows "Season 1", and "Season 2". The difference is that shows are cyclical, and the book is not. There are going to be 7 books. There are already 11 episodes. You need to be able to easily categorize the stuff for the fans and make it as easily recognizable as possible to as many people as possible for as long as possible.

Angrist 04-04-2012 06:29 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
I've learned not to go into discussion with you. :) Yes you have a point just because you want to make a point. You can make this same point in any situation without having any clue what's going on. That's the nature of your point. No use arguing against that.

Vampyr 04-04-2012 08:06 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
This is just a dumb thing to be discussing instead of the actual show.

Angrist 04-05-2012 06:58 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
I don't watch the show, so this is the best thing I can do. :D But ok, carry on.

Ginkasa 04-05-2012 11:33 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 282558)
So did you read the books? Do you disagree with what I said, that it's more and more about Ice and Fire and less about the Game of Thrones?

I have read all of the books (multiple times except for ADwD) and while the war depicted in the end of AGoT through ASoS is mostly over, you still have plenty of people trying to win one throne or another through at least politics if not a drag out, bloody war.

That'll be TWoW.

Also, I don't really mind that the show took the "Game of Thrones" title instead of "A Song of Ice and Fire" overall.

Swan 04-05-2012 11:21 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
The show tends to downplay Ice and Fire, at least for the first book/movie. The wolves have a much smaller part and it looks like they will be played up more this season.

Ginkasa 04-06-2012 12:35 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Supposedly that was just due to the logistics of it. The dogs they were using were a type that wouldn't train very well, or something, so they couldn't do as much with them. But really, overall, the whole "ice and fire" thing wasn't a very big part of AGoT the book anyway. Even with ADwD, it only feels like its starting to get to the point where the title makes sense, so...

Angrist 04-06-2012 03:31 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
They should just have gone for CGI dire wolves. :D No real wolf/dog is coming close to the size of a dire wolf.
But then again, most CGI stuff looks really bad, especially on shows.

Vampyr 04-06-2012 09:18 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

Originally Posted by Angrist (Post 282602)
They should just have gone for CGI dire wolves. :D No real wolf/dog is coming close to the size of a dire wolf.
But then again, most CGI stuff looks really bad, especially on shows.

They did some kind of trick with perspective or something in the last episode. Robb's wolf was almost as tall as he was.

Angrist 04-06-2012 11:13 AM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2
Nice! :D

(By the way, in case you wonder why I care about the show: I plan on watching all seasons when I've read all the books... so that's probably in 6-9 years.)

Typhoid 04-06-2012 04:19 PM

Re: Game of Thrones Season 2

This is just a dumb thing to be discussing instead of the actual show.

Because I was involved.
I noticed before when you were talking about it, and Strangler commented on it - and after I talked about it - when two other people commented on it, it was completely accepted. :lol:
No matter what I say this forum will disagree.
I'll be pro-abortion and there'd be a "Wait a minute, let's not throw the life of a child away, here, you asshole", but if I say pro-life it would be "Let those women make their own choice, you dick." Eeeeeeoooore.
That was just joke, comrade, no need to reply.
I will now keep my posts very short.

I internetted it, and the Direwolves are CGI. Wolves look good, very real.
Good wolves.
Show is good.
Excited for Sunday.

*shrugs and walks away*

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