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BreakABone 02-12-2012 10:01 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I swear, Lori is on the top of my need to go list.

Aside from some false drama, the Rick stuff was the best stuff this episode

Professor S 02-12-2012 10:13 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
That was the Rick I know and love...

Typhoid 02-12-2012 10:58 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I didn't even know it was on tonight. I lucked out by just happening to be looking at that channel right when it started.

The bar scene was intense as hell.

Vampyr 02-13-2012 12:37 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Solid episode. Good stuff.

KillerGremlin 02-13-2012 05:22 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
I actually forgot this show was on. Good thing torrents...bad news AMC. I mean can you blame me? Archer and Justified, yo. The hiatus really threw off the show's groove. We'll see how viewer ratings hold up.

I like the part where Daryl called Lori "Olive Oil."

Next episode: "I'm not helping, fucking spaghetti!"

Okay, so now that we have the negatives out of the way...this was a really good episode. Another step in the right direction. The bar scene at the end was awesome.

I mean, it was a metaphor, right? Kind of like Rick was being put into Hershel's shoes for a few seconds with these new strangers who want to camp out at his place. But of course they are more sinister so he had to pop them (okay, that's cliche, but it's a good cliche). I give this episode a mother fucking A-. The show has finally broke that barrier for me.

They also ended the episode with a Clutch song. How did the guys at AMC know that Clutch is like my favorite band?

Is Rick the "regulator?"


I see that lantern trimmed low burning in our home.
And though I feel like crying, I swear tonight, I'll cry no more.

And how many times have I prayed
That I would get lost along the way?

Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head.
The regulator's swinging pendulum.

Come with me and walk the longest mile.

Is his wallet leather? Is his wallet fat?
For not a year later it's got you lying on your back.
You should have closed your windows and got another dog.
You should have chained up all the doors and switched up all the locks.

And how many times have I prayed
The angels would speed me away.

Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head.
The regulator's swinging pendulum.

Come with me and walk the longest mile.

KillerGremlin 02-13-2012 05:32 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Clutch also was tied into L4D2....this was brought to attention in the Walking Dead thread on Reddit. I wasn't aware of this commercial:

It's nice to see the hardest working band in the 90's Grunge/Stoner Metal genre getting some props. Clutch has mad talent and they've really evolved over their career. They went from a Punk/Metal sound to a Bluesy Stoner sound, and now they have an organ. It's ridiculous. I've been a fan for a looooonnng time. They even have a beer with New Belgium. Here's their other recent single that is in the L4D2 video (along with lyrics).

This is a band with kick-ass lyrics. To get the "full" Clutch experience, you really need to pay attention to the stories and off-beat humor in the lyrics. That is all folks. Sorry to thread derail, continue with Walking Dead discussion.

Teuthida 02-13-2012 08:01 AM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Yay, Rene from True Blood. Kind of wish he lasted longer. This show is starting to seem like it enjoys quickly killing characters I recognize and like from other things.

Bar scene was great. The rest...ok. Some bits were better than others.

Lori needs to die.

Typhoid 02-13-2012 03:34 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
(I've liked Clutch for a long time. I was pumped to hear that song. I was also pumped when my local sports team and/or college used a Clutch chorus every time the home team scores.)


Okay, so now that we have the negatives out of the way

Hell, it's gotta be a good episode if you only had one negative, and the only negative was that he called her a silly insulting name because of her scrawny figure and aptitude for flailing her arms wildly and complaining.


I mean, it was a metaphor, right? Kind of like Rick was being put into Hershel's shoes for a few seconds with these new strangers who want to camp out at his place.
I never thought of it like that. Good point. I totally missed that when I was watching it.

I was into that scene because there were no zombies involved. Like, the people are the threat - the zombie apocalypse is just the setting. The whole time that scene was going on I thought "That John Leguizamo fuck looks like he's going to try start some shit."

I like how every interaction with other humans is always intense, because the humans have thoughts, and plans. The zombies have shit except for numbers, and surprise tactics.

KillerGremlin 02-13-2012 05:21 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 281580)
I was into that scene because there were no zombies involved. Like, the people are the threat - the zombie apocalypse is just the setting. The whole time that scene was going on I thought "That John Leguizamo fuck looks like he's going to try start some shit."

I like how every interaction with other humans is always intense, because the humans have thoughts, and plans. The zombies have shit except for numbers, and surprise tactics.

THIS is what the Walking Dead is about, dude. It's not about the's about what extent the humans will go to in order to survive. So far the show has completely missed this, and last night was a total step in the right direction.

I could give a fuck less about Zombie Sophia. I do not give a single shit. The character was not developed, and the first 7 episodes were a meandering cluster fuck of bad dialog and horrible editing. But last night, when Dale confronted Lori about Shane? Holy shit! That was intense. Or Rick going all "I'm gonna protect my clan at any extent." That's the Rick I know...not the whiny soap opera bitch we have had to deal with for the first half of this season. I really hope they keep this up.

In one episode this show hit the nail in the head in terms of what I enjoyed about the comics. If the show continues down this very dark and uneasy path....wowza. I mean, when a show has a good overall story, I don't get bored and I don't nitpick over bad dialog or inconsistencies. I'm sure a show like Breaking Bad has gaps in writing quality...but I was too busy not noticing because the show is so awesome. (I need to stop using that as a comparison though, because I'm pretty sure Breaking Bad is the best drama I've ever that show is basically the bar).

BreakABone 02-13-2012 05:22 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Seems like the mid-season break didn't stop its momentum at all.. if anything...


'Walking Dead' return delivers massive ratings

AMC’s midseason return of The Walking Dead broke the show’s previous records.

Walking Dead had 8.1 million viewers and 5.4 million viewers among adults 18-49. That’s the biggest series drama telecast in the adult demo in basic cable history.

KillerGremlin 02-13-2012 05:25 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Well that's good, I guess Prof S won't have to worry about the show losing it's funding other than what was already cut to pay for Mad Men.

Typhoid 02-14-2012 03:44 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

THIS is what the Walking Dead is about, dude. It's not about the's about what extent the humans will go to in order to survive. So far the show has completely missed this, and last night was a total step in the right direction.

I thought about this as soon as I woke up (for some reason), and had a thought about the name of the show.

Is it "The Walking Dead" because it's literally referring to the 'zombies' that are trudging around - or is it a metaphor for the living people who are so untrustworthy due to human nature that they will kill each other. Making them "walking dead".

Vampyr 02-14-2012 03:48 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

Originally Posted by Typhoid (Post 281596)
I thought about this as soon as I woke up (for some reason), and had a thought about the name of the show.

Is it "The Walking Dead" because it's literally referring to the 'zombies' that are trudging around - or is it a metaphor for the living people who are so untrustworthy due to human nature that they will kill each other. Making them "walking dead".

Not sure if just woke up, or been smoking weed.

Typhoid 02-14-2012 04:23 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series

It wasn't really a legit question. More of a "I thought of this early in the morning as the 'possibility' of a metaphor in the name considering the phrase 'dead man walking', and the fact that in the show 'the Walking Dead' the main foes are people who will kill other people to protect people."

While I'm more than aware the show's title is probably not actually a metaphor for people, and more of a literal thing for zombies - I still found it an enticing thought.

Professor S 02-14-2012 04:48 PM

Re: The Walking Dead: The Television Series
Typh, you're actually on to something there... but that would be spoilers from the books...

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