View Full Version : Resident Evil 4

Professor S
06-29-2004, 02:46 AM
Ok, I'm not one to bitch about violence in videogames, but RE 4 has gone WAAAAAAAAY too far. When your putting in images so violent they would receive an x rating in movie, its time to re-evaluate how the industry is regulating itself.

Think I'm overreacting? Take a look at this:


That in game pic makes my nuts shrink. I don't know why, I guess its so disturbing that my nards are literally independently scared from the rest of my body.

I think its time that the industry starts to regulate itself better, before the FCC feels its time they should start regulating it.

06-29-2004, 02:54 AM
So why can't they put extreme violence in games, but they can in movies?

Huh? Why?

They both have ratings to tell you who the game is for. Parents ignore game ratings because they think its just a game, so things get blown out of perportion.

Look at it this way, a mother wont let her 10 year old to go see a violent slasher movie, but she would probably let her kid rent this.

And i totally disagree with you, they shouldnt stop making violent games, or make them less violent. Why dont you complain about gory images in movies, or the news? Those are with real people, not computer animated graphics.

I see no problem whatsoever with this.

Zaglar Ninja
06-29-2004, 03:01 AM
you obviously havn't seen Scarface, thats NOTHING compared to the chainsaw in the bathroom part of Scarface

06-29-2004, 07:47 AM
I don't like the violence either. I'm not even sure if I'm going to play RE4.
I have to say, that's not just because of the violence...

The Duggler
06-29-2004, 08:43 AM
Hey Mr. Conservative, if you're too much of a ***** to play that game, then don't. But leave it alone.

06-29-2004, 09:27 AM
um. thats quite a tame picture as far as movies go.

infact, if a movie was all fine except for that sceen i doubt it'd even get an R rating.

movies are much much much more violent then that and are rated R. theres nothing wrong with the game.

06-29-2004, 09:58 AM
Thats not even an actual in game image. Its more of concept art for the game

Professor S
06-29-2004, 12:24 PM
Fine, thats not enough. Here's another:


You guys seem to be missing my point, as usual. My goal is to AVOID FCC REGULATION. As you'll notice, if you actually pay attantion to current events, the FCC is putting their big fat nose in everyone's business lately. Meanwhile the gaming and movie industries have been allowed to continue to self-regulate, but their is a BIG difference:

The movie industry actually attempts to enforce those regulations.

How long do you think the FCC will keep out of our industries hair when games like this are being released to the general public and for all intents and purposes allowed to be prucheased by anyone of any age? They won't. And for those of you using the lame excuse that games are rated and parents don't care... if the industry actually wanted to enforce the rules and inform the public of their ignorance, they would. But they'd rather cash in on parents not knowing and gaming stores not caring than enforce any of their rules. Well eventually their greed is going to catch up to them if they don't get smart.

But I guess I'm a conservative "*****" who is afraid to play a violent game, and not someone actually tring to look out for the future of the business. My fault:rolleyes: Personally I'd rather have a smartly self-regulated industry than a stupidly run, puritanical system that the government is more likely to enforce.

And Nitram, it is better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

06-29-2004, 12:36 PM
dunno why your picking this game out to try and make your point tho. seems no worse then doom was 10 years ago. Sure it looks better and you can see things easier, but the voilence behind it is EXACTLY the same.

if theres a game thats going to get them really poking at the game industry its not going to be a game on gamecube like RE, its going to be a higly contraversal game on multiple platforms like GTA.
i doubt your ever going to hear anything about probs with voilence in this game.

06-29-2004, 12:54 PM
Fine, thats not enough. Here's another:


You guys seem to be missing my point, as usual. My goal is to AVOID FCC REGULATION. As you'll notice, if you actually pay attantion to current events, the FCC is putting their big fat nose in everyone's business lately. Meanwhile the gaming and movie industries have been allowed to continue to self-regulate, but their is a BIG difference:

The movie industry actually attempts to enforce those regulations.

How long do you think the FCC will keep out of our industries hair when games like this are being released to the general public and for all intents and purposes allowed to be prucheased by anyone of any age? They won't. And for those of you using the lame excuse that games are rated and parents don't care... if the industry actually wanted to enforce the rules and inform the public of their ignorance, they would. But they'd rather cash in on parents not knowing and gaming stores not caring than enforce any of their rules. Well eventually their greed is going to catch up to them if they don't get smart.

But I guess I'm a conservative "*****" who is afraid to play a violent game, and not someone actually tring to look out for the future of the business. My fault:rolleyes: Personally I'd rather have a smartly self-regulated industry than a stupidly run, puritanical system that the government is more likely to enforce.

And Nitram, it is better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
If you have to regulate yourself so as to avoid government regulation, then you've already lost.

06-29-2004, 01:13 PM
I havn't read many replies so far, but a couple things:

I don't think the first picture is an actual in-game pic... Looks a bit too drawn or something, but I dunno maybe it's just weird from the motion...

As for the second, zombies have always turned into a gushing fountain of blood as a result of a shotgun blast to the head (or a magnum shot to anywhere)...

And as everyone else has said, that's like nothing compared to some movies...

Basically, the FCC can suck it... Uh oh, I shouldn't have said that, they might use it as evidence of how violent games make people mean and violent grarrr!

06-29-2004, 01:16 PM
I dont see what the big deal is. I'm a very liberal person...and I see absolutely nothing wrong with this game. I dont care how violent it is, or how much gore there is...I still wouldnt see anything wrong with it, as long as it got the appropriate rating (M). Movies have been doing things like this forever...and there was nothing wrong with it then, so it shouldnt be even stricter for a video game.

And you said something about the movie industry actually enforcing their rules...not from what I can tell. I'm 17 years old, and I can go to any movie I want (and take my kid brother who is 12) and I can garuntee they wouldnt stop me from coming in. I've went and watched several R movies (Matrix...T3) and no theatre has yet asked me to verify my age. Keep in mind I was also much younger when I went to watch Matrix, and I was 16 when I saw T3.

Video games are a form of art...and I do not believe that the artist should have to hold back. If he wants to depict something, he should be allowed to. I mean, if something like this happened in real life (a guy got hit with a chainsaw), do you think little black censor boxes would float out of no where and edit out the blood? No. If this game is going to be realistic, then it has to be just that: realistic.

I agree that the industry could do something like "carding" people to make sure they are of the appropriate age...but when the rating is so clearly on the box, it is the parents fault. If they let their kid get the game, then it's their fault. Werent you the guy that said it was the customers fault if they bought a horrible video game? Well, shouldnt it also be the customers fault if they buy a game not suitable for them? The developers have done their job, as you once said. They have made the game, and made it ready to sell. Now it's your job to buy it.

06-29-2004, 01:35 PM
Keep in mind I was also much younger when I went to watch Matrix,

The first matrix was pg-13 when it hit theatres, wasnt R untill it came out on DVD because of the shootings at the school that happened.

:D :p hehe.

06-29-2004, 01:41 PM
The first matrix was pg-13 when it hit theatres, wasnt R untill it came out on DVD because of the shootings at the school that happened.

:D :p hehe.

Oh. lol. Well, I knew it was rated R at some point in time. And besides, I own the DVD...so point proven anyway.

06-29-2004, 01:42 PM
The first matrix was pg-13 when it hit theatres, wasnt R untill it came out on DVD because of the shootings at the school that happened.

:D :p hehe.

It was R... I remember I had to see it with Daddy...

06-29-2004, 01:43 PM
It was R... I remember I had to see it with Daddy...

a friend owns the original poster for it. says PG-13

it was POSSIBLY changed while or slightly before theatres. but im pretty sure i remember it being 13 while in theatres.

06-29-2004, 01:45 PM
a friend owns the original poster for it. says PG-13

it was POSSIBLY changed while or slightly before theatres. but im pretty sure i remember it being 13 while in theatres.

Really? That's odd..... imdb says nothing about it being PG-13, but yeah I know there have been a couple of times where I see a movie being advertised as PG-13, then as it gets closer to release it says R... Or vice versa...

Errr I mean, go Resident Evil 4! Be gorey and stuff!... Etc..

06-29-2004, 01:48 PM
Really? That's odd..... imdb says nothing about it being PG-13, but yeah I know there have been a couple of times where I see a movie being advertised as PG-13, then as it gets closer to release it says R... Or vice versa...

Errr I mean, go Resident Evil 4! Be gorey and stuff!... Etc..

it might very well have been changed before the relaease of the movie in theatres. i could be wrong on that part, altho it still sticks out in my mind i saw it released at pg13

but it was defintly 13 at 1 point in time.

ah well. doesnt really matter anyway. like the point he said, most get in no matter what age they are anyway.

06-29-2004, 03:38 PM
The thing is movies get off so easy on the FCC radar because they have been around for a lot longer than games, plus movies arnt generally aimed just at children.

Video games are thought to be just for little kids, thats why it is taken so seriously.

But i agree with whoever said this is no different that 10 years ago with doom.

What about Turok? Or any realistic war game? Half-life? Halo? Grand theft auto? Driver?

What about those arcade games they've had for 10 years where you sit in the box with a friend and blow the heads off of zombies?

These have no lasting effects on children. It didnt make me personally want to go commit murder, or rob a store or kill a hooker or anything. You would have to be mentally ill BEFORE playing the games to get it in your head that its alright to do these things.

The fact is these games arn't a big problem, the FCC just needs to wash all of that sand out of their vaginas, its making them kind of cranky.

06-29-2004, 03:42 PM
What? Gamecube has a "teh mature" game? Never thought I'd see the day..

Check out Manhunt for another good violent example.

Professor S
06-29-2004, 04:44 PM
You guys have a point when it comes to Doom being no different in theme, but I beleive the difference comes in the increased detail that next gen consoles allow you to achieve. After all, there is a difference between Bugs Bunny dropping an anvil on Daffy Ducks head, and that poor guy who got hit by a train on one of those "Too Bad for TV" videos. Its the same thing, but the level of detail and realism are completely different. Where a violent game back in the day had a pixilated splat of blood, now games can have entire upperbodies explode in a glorious mass of flesh and fountainous blood, then repeat it several hundred times during the game. And it is different than movies as the sheer volume of violence in a 10 - 30 hour action game would make House of a Thousand Corpses seem like a teddy bear picnic.

And Stonecutter, you're being way too simplistic. EVERY government regulates what entertainment industries can do to some extent, and in most other countries the majority of the TV and radio stations are STATE RUN. If an enetrtainment industry refuses to regulate the product they put out and the government decides to do it because of their failure, we didn't lose, the industry in question was simply being idiotic.

All I'm saying is that the industry needs to watch themselves especially in today's climate. Tighter self-regulation is the lesser of two evils.

And on a side note, I will be at least renting RE 4 :D

06-29-2004, 04:48 PM
But you havent said why they ( FCC) make an exception for gory/ scary movies.

They are more real than any video game.

Like i said, the FCC just has issues, serious serious mental issues.

Professor S
06-29-2004, 04:57 PM
But you havent said why they ( FCC) make an exception for gory/ scary movies.

They are more real than any video game.

Like i said, the FCC just has issues, serious serious mental issues.

Actually I did on an earlier post. They make an excepion because the movie industry actually makes a attempt to enforce their regulations. If you don't believe me, think about the last time you saw someone get ID'd for an R rated movie... then think about the last time you saw someone get carded at EB Games or Blockbuster for renting or buying a mature game.

I've NEVER seen anyone get carded for a game... EVER... and I know my EB Games guys by NAME.

This is the reason why the FCC would come down harder on the gaming industry, that and the fact that Congressmen like movies and tend not to play videogames :D

06-29-2004, 05:02 PM
i've never seen either.

and i know what your saying about the better graphics. but i dont believe that makes ANY difference.

What goes on in peoples minds, how they're seeing what they're doing when they're playing a game is EXACTLY the same as this and in doom.
people play doom and imagine a picture like that, while they're ripping thro a monster with a chainsaw. dont say they dont think of it, because they do. your imagination has no graphics. so it doesnt matter if it was 10 years ago on doom or now on RE, the voilence is exactly the same. And the FCC isnt going to change that.

Now when you see a game that you hunt down and rape girls and kill them afterwards. THEN you'd have something that they'd get involved in and stop.

but the voilence in this game is the same as it was at the beginning of games. nothing will happen just cuz of the better graphics.

Professor S
06-29-2004, 05:07 PM
I have to disagree with you on the violence as I do believe the detail makes all the difference (especially when it comes to sensory perception), but I respect your opinion and you supported it quite well.

And you've never seen someone carded for a movie? I'm 27 and I see it CONSTANTLY around the Philadelphia area.

06-29-2004, 05:58 PM
I have to disagree with you on the violence as I do believe the detail makes all the difference (especially when it comes to sensory perception), but I respect your opinion and you supported it quite well.

And you've never seen someone carded for a movie? I'm 27 and I see it CONSTANTLY around the Philadelphia area.

nope, im 23, and i goto the best theatre at the biggest mall in michigan. And kids obviously younger than the right age get in all the time.

06-29-2004, 06:05 PM
I've NEVER seen anyone get carded for a game... EVER... and I know my EB Games guys by NAME.

I dont know about EB, but at Blockbuster they wouldnt rent Dylflon and me a game because we are 17, even though the game said 17+, yet she rented us Cabin fever ( i think it was) a few weeks before, which would also recieve an "M" rating if it was a game.

06-29-2004, 06:15 PM
By any chance have you seen Kill Bill?

06-29-2004, 06:32 PM
By any chance have you seen Kill Bill?

he isnt saying movies arent more voilent. he's tryin to say that the movie industry does more to keep that voilence AWAY from children.

06-29-2004, 07:04 PM
he isnt saying movies arent more voilent. he's tryin to say that the movie industry does more to keep that voilence AWAY from children.

Bambi. :p

06-29-2004, 07:07 PM
Bambi. :p

well you point me to this bloody, violently horrific bambi, because i would like to watch it.


06-29-2004, 07:42 PM
Well, obviously your opinion is that the current video game regulations not being enough. And I understand where you're coming from, but I disagree. I think that games are very well rated and that the real issue is that the ratings need to be enforced and not just looked upon as suggestion.

It is my opinion that the ESA (http://www.theesa.com/) has been highly successful in creating the ESRB (http://www.esrb.org/index.asp).

I also feel that a more appropriate example of unreasonable violence is Manhunt. Manhunt... Is the most disgusting... thing... that I have ever seen people get entertainment out of. The whole point is to see how many people you can kill and how violently you can do it. But even there: if it is rated correctly then that rating needs to be enforced.

Zaglar Ninja
06-30-2004, 04:52 AM
I love how he says
You guys seem to be missing my point, as usual. assuming WE are always wrong and he is always right.

06-30-2004, 05:29 AM
he isnt saying movies arent more voilent. he's tryin to say that the movie industry does more to keep that voilence AWAY from children.

Professor S
06-30-2004, 10:54 AM
Well, obviously your opinion is that the current video game regulations not being enough. And I understand where you're coming from, but I disagree. I think that games are very well rated and that the real issue is that the ratings need to be enforced and not just looked upon as suggestion.

It is my opinion that the ESA (http://www.theesa.com/) has been highly successful in creating the ESRB (http://www.esrb.org/index.asp).

I also feel that a more appropriate example of unreasonable violence is Manhunt. Manhunt... Is the most disgusting... thing... that I have ever seen people get entertainment out of. The whole point is to see how many people you can kill and how violently you can do it. But even there: if it is rated correctly then that rating needs to be enforced.

That is pretty much my point too. The ratings are fine, but the industry needs to do a better job of making sure they are enforced as it is THEIR responsibility as THEY regulate THEMSELVES. The movie industry at least puts forth the illusion that they are trying to enforce their own regulations. I don't believe that the video game industry is putting forth that same effort.

Zaglar, go away and maybe think about coming back when you're mentally old enough to play with the big kids.

06-30-2004, 01:48 PM
Zaglar, go away and maybe think about coming back when you're mentally old enough to play with the big kids.

Grow up Strangler

06-30-2004, 02:56 PM
um. lol.

telling him to grow up, bit of a misinformed statment. but ooook.

Professor S
06-30-2004, 04:00 PM
Misinformed? Maybe.

Ironic and downright funny? Definitely.

06-30-2004, 04:02 PM
Misinformed? Maybe.

Ironic and downright funny? Definitely.

So are you telling Jonbo to grow up and that he doesnt get the point too? Because you seem pretty content in telling almost everyone they dont' get your point.

Professor S
06-30-2004, 04:31 PM

Zaglar Ninja
06-30-2004, 07:39 PM
lol it wasn't ironic and funny, it was like you just said *yawn*

07-01-2004, 02:27 AM
After reading through the last 6 posts several times, I have become rather confused.

I will take this as a symbol of surrender and will graciously accept your defeat. :p

07-01-2004, 02:41 AM
After reading through the last 6 posts several times, I have become rather confused.

I will take this as a symbol of surrender and will graciously accept your defeat. :p


07-09-2004, 05:40 PM
Look like they need blood to keep the Prince alive. :unsure:

07-09-2004, 07:26 PM
That's because they wanna stay cool and hip. You can't have a AAA game without blood anymore:Pimp::p


07-10-2004, 05:19 AM
The Sands of Time was cool and had no blood. :unsure:

07-10-2004, 06:03 AM
I know ;)

07-10-2004, 05:40 PM
While its being mentioned, The Sands of Time was an absolutley awsome game, that didnt get near the respect it deserved, IMO. Easily the best game of last year.

07-10-2004, 08:21 PM
While its being mentioned, The Sands of Time was an absolutley awsome game, that didnt get near the respect it deserved, IMO. Easily the best game of last year.

I love it when awesome games arent accepted by the public. You can get them extremely cheap. I picked up Beyond Good and Evil for the GCN for 17.99 the other day, and it is acclaimed as one of the best games of the year.

07-10-2004, 10:28 PM
I love it when awesome games arent accepted by the public. You can get them extremely cheap. I picked up Beyond Good and Evil for the GCN for 17.99 the other day, and it is acclaimed as one of the best games of the year.

I've been looking for BG&E but haven't seen it around. They must have stopped production on it or something. I saw it for 20 bucks a while back but didn't get it cuz of money problems at the time. damnit.

07-10-2004, 11:32 PM
Beyond Good and Evil was another amazing game. I own the PC version. Besides being a great game to play, it also looks amazing on my PC and runs great.

But I cant say I agree with you vamp, about how you love it when good games arent accepted. This just means we'll start seeing less good games and more ****ty **** **** games that sell well just because they have Vince Vaughn in them. Arugh. Makes me sick.

07-10-2004, 11:56 PM
Vince Vaughn was in a video game?

07-11-2004, 12:19 AM
Beyond Good and Evil was another amazing game. I own the PC version. Besides being a great game to play, it also looks amazing on my PC and runs great.

But I cant say I agree with you vamp, about how you love it when good games arent accepted. This just means we'll start seeing less good games and more ****ty **** **** games that sell well just because they have Vince Vaughn in them. Arugh. Makes me sick.

Yeah, I guess I never really thought of it that way.

But, if it's anything like the movie industry, you'll always have those "mainstream", "cool" movies that sell really well and are huge blockbuster hits, and then you'll have the "other" movies...that may not do so well at theatres, but win all the awards.

If this is any indication of how games work...you'll always have the "mainstream" "cool" stuff that you and I see as crap, but then every now and then, something really awesome will come out, and only a select few will realize it's potential.

And then you'll have the games that are extremely popular and are extremely good...ie: the legend of zelda. Comparable to LotR in movie language.

07-11-2004, 10:41 AM
And then you'll have the games that are extremely popular and are extremely good...ie: the legend of zelda. Comparable to LotR in movie language.

Not so much anymore though...I mean youve got Ocarina of Time which sold over 5 million Copies Worldwide, then youve got Wind Waker...is it even over 2 million yet? I doubt it.

07-11-2004, 10:58 AM
That's due to the succes of the Cube compared to the N64's. N64 sold much better than the Cube... :(
Oh yeah, almost forgot: TWW sucked. :mad:

07-11-2004, 12:17 PM
That's due to the succes of the Cube compared to the N64's. N64 sold much better than the Cube... :(
Oh yeah, almost forgot: TWW sucked. :mad:

Canyarion is right on 1 and a half counts. Cube hasnt sold as well as N64...and I wouldnt say that WW sucked, because I enjoyed it, but it was in no way the masterpiece that OoT was.

Professor S
07-11-2004, 12:22 PM
Oh yeah, almost forgot: TWW sucked. :mad:

You really think so? I'm not even a fan of the Gamecube (in fact I haven't touched mine in probably close to 9 months) but I thought that The Wind Waker was an absolutely sublime gaming experience, moreso than even Ocarina of Time (which was excellent, too).

The camera and controls were fantastic, the puzzles were difficult but not frustrating or illogical, the cell shaded graphics worked perfectly and it was loaded with secrets and the story was as classic as ever.

I have a hard tiem criticizing the game on any level.

07-11-2004, 12:27 PM
I actually haven't even gotten into a single Zelda game yet :D

in anycase, games are going to get more graphic, theres no way around it, but parents should be encouraged to take game ratings more seriously.

p.s. to the people insulting Strangler, please stop flaming, this is a discussion not a flame-fest, i don't agree with him on most points but that doesn't mean he should be insulted at a personal level.

Professor S
07-11-2004, 01:36 PM
p.s. to the people insulting Strangler, please stop flaming, this is a discussion not a flame-fest, i don't agree with him on most points but that doesn't mean he should be insulted at a personal level.

I was surprised by the reaction I got. I didn't expect confetti and a parade, but I certainly didn't think I'd get flamed to the extent that I did. You would of thought I had kicked them in the groin, and not simply pointed out how flawed the ratings enforcement in video games is currently.

Methinks some people don't want their parents taking the ratings seriously or having EB employees carding them...

07-11-2004, 02:26 PM
both of the people that said the stuff have been here for less than a year, and less than 400 posts... just little troublemakers

07-14-2004, 09:56 AM
To all the n00bs:
All :bowdown: to us. Don't go :offtopic:, don't be a :fanboy: and don't get stupid :idea:s, or we'll have to :slap: or :bonk: you.
Don't :flame: members, especially not the :cool: ones.
If you disobey, we have the right to :sniper: you, turning you into a :crazy:.
Do we have a :deal:?
If you don't understand this, just :nod: your head.

And remember: :spam:

07-14-2004, 12:27 PM
Someone has too much time on their hands.


07-17-2004, 09:11 PM
everything seems fine to me, games can be as violent as they want for all I care.

07-17-2004, 09:30 PM
I think that games should have ratings, but you shouldn't have to be a certain age to buy them. You can buy CD's with the "F" word left and right, but you can't buy a game because it has red pixels in it? Please.
The RE series was never really that violent, at least I didn't think so. Also, it was always too predictable and involved too much item-searching, like Silent Hill. Horror/Violent games need to concentrate more on ways of dispatching hellish demons than about the "story" and "plot".

07-17-2004, 09:32 PM
I think that games should have ratings, but you shouldn't have to be a certain age to buy them.

1.) Games do have ratings.

2.) If you didnt need to be a certain age to buy them, why have the ratings?

07-17-2004, 09:43 PM
I know that games have ratings. What's the point of having the rating? So parents can decide what they want their child to be exposed to. Nothing says that a 7-year old can't go and buy GTA 2 right now. I'm not saying he shouldn't have that right. My point is that somebody (i.e. parental units) should have enough authority to say "No, you're too young to play this, Jimmy." I think it would solve a lot of problems. You're not going to stop a kid from buying an "M" game. He'll get it from somewhere that will sell it to him. Same with beer, porn, or cigarettes. I guess I'm trying to say that it should be more about parenting and less about rtings. I wish my dad would have stopped me from renting "Doom" when I was 12, because it scared the **** out of me. Making better ratings systems will make our society better.

07-17-2004, 10:37 PM
Enforcing the ratings is a matter of law. The ESA (creators of the ESRB) can only make the ratings, they have no authority to enforce them. It's an issue that people need to take up with the Government.

And honestly, where I come from I couldn't buy games that were rated M when I was 13. They card you around here; I'm dead serious. Same with CD's with explicit lyrics.

07-18-2004, 11:39 AM
You can buy CD's with the "F" word left and right, but you can't buy a game because it has red pixels in it? Please.
You Americans and your F-word... :rolleyes: How can 1 word be worse than all this visual violence?

Don't get me wrong, I never say the F word, the worst thing I say is sh!t...

07-19-2004, 12:29 AM
you need ID in order to rent GTA 3 and VC when it came out around here, i'm not sure whether it was policy or law. And i disagree with dropCGCF, I think that plot and story is more important that blasting mutants till their dead, and then blastin some more, but that may be just because i'm an RPG fan.