View Full Version : Your worst movie-going experience(s)

Storm Eagle
05-29-2003, 01:01 AM
Okay, I'm sure most of us have had them. You blow $6 to $10 to sit in a theater and enjoy a movie, but something happens in the theater that pretty much keeps you from enjoying that movie in peace.

I'll go first.

Actually it's my only sucky movie-going experience. It was when I went to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets back in November. Of course there are going to be a lot of kids there, and they just cannot shut up. Every five minutes some brat has to make a comment that the whole movie theater can hear, loud and clear. Then they have to be shushed.

Now here's what takes the cake.

A crying baby, crying for about 20 minutes. The baby's stupid mother doesn't have the decency to take it out of the theater and calm it down. Then, she can come back in. How obnoxious is that? All she does is go "shhh" to the baby as though it would understand her. What a retarded b*tch. Then after a while, someone suggests to her TWICE, that she should take the baby out of the theater. She didn't seem to care. So not only is she a retarded b*tch, but she's a stubborn retarded b*tch.

I think the next time I find myself struggling to put up with this, I might just go out and call an usher to deal with the problem. It's kind of a strange idea, but it's worth a shot, right?

Okay everybody, it's your turn now. Rant away.

05-29-2003, 01:15 AM
and a baby at a movie.... 1st of all who even takes a baby to a movie!! its not like it understands the plot... that is why they invented a 'babysitter' i think that only children 1 1/2 to 2 years of age should go to a movie.... and i forgot what movie it was but me and my mom went to go and see a movie and there were like this group of 10 teenagers, and they were just the bitchiest and nosiest bitches in the damn theatre, one was even talking on her cell phone!!!! the whole theatre could hear her, even though that i got into the movie for free, i still shouldnt have to take that ****, out of all 10 only 2 werent kicked out for talking to see the show, lol. anywho thats mine

05-29-2003, 02:18 AM
A couple summers ago... I forgot what movie I saw... But the theater basically kept shutting off... the movie stopped and it started playing the ads and music that play before the movie, and the lights also came on... It happened a couple times right at the beginning of the movie, them a couple more times throughout the movie, including once at the very end of the movie (maybe 5-10 minutes before the end)... And after that they didn't start playing it again, they just told everybody to leave the theater, they're sorry, yada yada...

They gave everybody a coupon for a free adult admission to a movie though (^-^

05-29-2003, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Storm Eagle

Actually it's my only sucky movie-going experience. It was when I went to see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets back in November. Of course there are going to be a lot of kids there, and they just cannot shut up. Every five minutes some brat has to make a comment that the whole movie theater can hear, loud and clear. Then they have to be shushed.

lol, my niece was probably one of those crying kids. The movie scared her to death.

05-29-2003, 06:46 AM
Originally posted by Neo
lol, my niece was probably one of those crying kids. The movie scared her to death. I can c y

05-29-2003, 09:16 AM
didn't have a bad one yet :p

05-29-2003, 09:20 AM
HAHAHHA, you guys would not enjoy going to theater on my island. ..........because when a good part happens in the movie, the whole theater keeps noise and jumps up and down and licks shots( puts the hands in the air and the fingers form the shape of a gun) and you know what ?

I love it. It's like a norm when you go to theaters down here.

I went to Canada and watch Bless the Child and when a good part came up..... I was ready to jump up and down and keep alot of noise.......but then I saw everyone clapping midway in my jump to get up anf behave in the good ol island fashion, when I saw everyone clapping .....so I calmly sit back down and clapped as well. It felt so odd. :(

Oh yeah one the worst experiences I had at the theater was when i paid money to watch Batman and Robin. :(

Utter garbage.

05-29-2003, 10:27 AM
Worst has been when I went to a movie and it kept coming on and off (like DH said) and after enough times, I got a free ticket. Haven't had many troubles with babies or loud people, but I've got years ahead of me.

05-29-2003, 10:30 AM
It seems like whenever I go to an R-rated movie, there's always some mother who brings her 4-6 year old kid along. Now some R-rated movies I believe are actually ok for that age group such as Billy Elliott (MPAA gave it that rating because of cursing, but there's no nudity or violence or anything otherwise, and it's a great kid's story).

But I draw the line when these kids are brought to something like Black Hawk Down. And the mother tries to shush them up when they get scared by the sight of a guy losing his arm.

05-29-2003, 02:10 PM
I've had two.

The first one was went I went to see Lord of the Ring at a dollar theater in a mall. First, the screen was tiny. I have literally seen TVs that were bigger than their screen. Granted, those TVs were big TVs but still... The seats were horrible. They were wood and flat and just plain wrong. Plus, there was some idiot right behind me who wouldn't shut up. Every single time Hobbit feet were on the screen, the guy would laugh and go, "Look and them feet! Them are some huge feet! Hairy too!"


Fortunately, it was my fourth or fifth time to see the mobie so...


The next bad experience was when I went to see Star Wars: Episode II for the second time. When Padme and Anakin were starting to land on Geonosis, the sound started to crack and pop and the characters started to sound like robots when they talked. I got a free movie ticket.

*shrugs and walks away*

Yugi Starwind
05-29-2003, 03:25 PM
When i went to see "the Matrix:reloaded" (like Xantar) there were probalbly about 20 5year olds or 10 year olds there that couldn't shut their ******* mouths for one second. I was almost ready to deck 'em all......

05-29-2003, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Yugi Starwind
When i went to see "the Matrix:reloaded" (like Xantar) there were probalbly about 20 5year olds or 10 year olds there that couldn't shut their ******* mouths for one second. I was almost ready to deck 'em all......
Exactly!! Opening day of The Matrix: Reloaded and two dumb biatches bring their little kids. They were no more than 2 years old. They wouldn't stop crying. Pretty much ruined the movie. So I went to see it the next day again.

Perfect Stu
05-29-2003, 05:02 PM
The worst experience I had at a movie would be last year when I went with my cousin to see Spider-Man. There was a group of about eight 19-20 year old friends (guys and girls) sitting behind us, and they wouldn't stop talking and making really obsene comments. I turned around and told them to 'please be quiet' once...then to 'shut the f*ck up', and then later I heard one of them say "hard-ass and bitch" I turned around, and saw that this one guy was looking and pointing at myself and my cousin. I insisted that he walked to the back aisle of the theatre so I could talk to him. One of his buddies came along...I basically told them that I wasn't putting up with their sh*t, and if they were going to continue to ruin the movie for a bunch of viewers I would meet with them again. Some of them still chatted it up a bit afterwards for the remainder of the movie by my cousin convinced me not to do anything afterwards. Needless to say, I was really pissed off...

05-29-2003, 05:57 PM
Graaarrr! They really ticked off big Stu he come to CRRRUSSSSSH DEEMMM!

05-29-2003, 06:11 PM
D'oh, I know how you feel Stu. Groups of teens are the worst at the movies.

Movie #1:

I went to see Time Machine with my brother while my family watched some chick flick... I'm not sure which it was at the moment (maybe Ya Ya Sisterhood). Anywho, there was a group of extremely chatty girls sitting a few rows in front of us (nobody in between). Every now and then they'd leave, come back, ask around what happened, and then scream at some parts of the movie. If not for the movie having taken place in hicksville, I'm sure some employees would've busted the place. And, not I or my brother (age 21) were able to quiet the bunch seeing as how a group of about 8 "women" won't respect the requests of two men.

Movie #2:

I was dragged along to see a double-feature a ways back with my family. Believe it or not... it was Spice Girls and Parent Trap. I mean... Good God. I wasn't too dissapointed by the movies, they had their moments... but this was before I lived in a small town. It was in San Luis Obispo California, the center Metropolis of teeny*sp* boppers. Anywho, the theater was filled with little girls 5-12 (maybe a few 16-18, but that was really slim), and their mothers, fathers, and little brothers. Well, hysteric tittering and giggling would occur now and then, and little girl voices filled the air when a famous Spice Girl song was in the background.

... Erase these memories from my mind!

Storm Eagle
05-29-2003, 06:18 PM
Okay, I take back what I said. I had other bad movie-going experience besides the one I mentioned.

I saw Sister Act with some famly and relatives as a group thing (YUCK!). We were all forced to take the seats all the way up front. Same with Home Alone 2 when I went to see it with my cousin, and her brother's then-girlfriend's daughter.

I went to see Scream 3 with my buddy, but he wanted us to stop at McDonald's for some apple pies before he went. We could have gone through the drive-thru since it's quick and easy, but the dude insisted in going inside to wait on a line. So I'm waiting and waiting and waiting in my car, and he finally returns. When we got to the theater, it was packed and we had to sit in the third row from the front. *sigh*

05-29-2003, 06:42 PM
Well, a long time ago when I went to go Mission Impossible, About 10 munites into the movie the projector started screing up. They gave us a refund.

05-29-2003, 06:48 PM
Ok Worst movie I've ever paid to see was "John Carpenter's The Ghosts of Mars." Absolutly the WORST movie ive ever seen. When we left the theater my dad said "I wish they would have just poked me in the eye with a sharp stick, taken 14$ out of my wallet, and saved me the hour and a half." We were doing MST3K lines by the second half of the movie.

Worst movie experience was Final Fantasy: The Spirts Within. I waited way to long to see it so I had to go to this really old theater that was showing it really late in the cycle. It was about 95 degrees out that day and the AC in the theater was broken.

Now, there were about 5 people in the entire 600 seat building. My dad and I were right in the middle, and there was this dude about 45 with his 80 year old mother. For some reason he was carring a flash light.........

But the worst part was yet to come.

With about 15 minutes left in the movie, another guy, had to be in his 70s walks in. Out of 600 seats, he sits right behind me. Walking in he hits me in the back of his head with his elbow and then proceeds to spend the rest of the movie sucking popcorn through a gap in his teeth. I mean, what the ****?

05-29-2003, 07:02 PM
When I went to see XXX(triple X, lol it sounds like I went to see a porno) with one of my friends there was this couple that were in their 30s or something and they brought their girl with and she seemed to be like 4 or 5. Well halfway through the movie the girl turned around and stared at me for like 5 minutes and then she walked practically up to me and kept starring...and my friend was laughing. I was like what the hell..go away, but I wasn't about to say anything like that at a kid. Eventually she left me alone. But that was sort of annoying..maybe I should have told the parents of the child that she was being really annoying.

05-29-2003, 07:19 PM
The worst was probably in grade 6 when i went to see a movie cant remember which one .. but it was for a birthday party and it was with me and like 12 other kids and we sat behind like 12 girls and we were in the second row and they were in the first and they didnt like sitting up front so they went and complained that we were talking to much but we werent talkin at all.... after the warning they came back and proceeded to talk loudly .. left the theatre to complain again and we got kicked out and then they took our seats ... after my friends mom complained they got 12 free coupons tho...

05-29-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by ZebraRampage
When I went to see XXX(triple X, lol it sounds like I went to see a porno) with one of my friends there was this couple that were in their 30s or something and they brought their girl with and she seemed to be like 4 or 5. Well halfway through the movie the girl turned around and stared at me for like 5 minutes and then she walked practically up to me and kept starring...and my friend was laughing. I was like what the hell..go away, but I wasn't about to say anything like that at a kid. Eventually she left me alone. But that was sort of annoying..maybe I should have told the parents of the child that she was being really annoying.

Little kids like that freak me out. I guess it's some awkward form of flattery... but I personally believe the best form of flattery is leaving one alone!

05-29-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by ZebraRampage
Well halfway through the movie the girl turned around and stared at me for like 5 minutes and then she walked practically up to me and kept starring...and my friend was laughing. I was like what the hell..go away, but I wasn't about to say anything like that at a kid. Eventually she left me alone. But that was sort of annoying..maybe I should have told the parents of the child that she was being really annoying.

LOL! :rofl: That is ultra funny! You should have said something to the kid to scare em off. :D

Storm Eagle
05-29-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by ZebraRampage
When I went to see XXX(triple X, lol it sounds like I went to see a porno) with one of my friends there was this couple that were in their 30s or something and they brought their girl with and she seemed to be like 4 or 5. Well halfway through the movie the girl turned around and stared at me for like 5 minutes and then she walked practically up to me and kept starring...and my friend was laughing. I was like what the hell..go away, but I wasn't about to say anything like that at a kid. Eventually she left me alone. But that was sort of annoying..maybe I should have told the parents of the child that she was being really annoying.

Damn that's freaky.

Okay, I just remembered another one. I don't think it would probably count for a bad movie-going experience, considering it's really a dilemma that prevented me from seeing a movie. See, one night, I was going to go see Scary Movie with some friends. We were going to pick up this other guy to take with us, since he lives closer to that theater. Then, we get a call from him, saying that there's a gang shooting going on in front of the theater, so that made it unsafe for us to go. We checked other theaters' show times, but they weren't good enough. *sigh* Innocent people just want to do something productive with their Friday nights, and a bunch of dildos have to go screw it up by having a shootout. I think I'm a bit ashamed to say something like that happened where I live.

Yet, another bad movie-going experience pops up in my head at the last minute.

I went to see Road Trip with a friend. I like to eat snacks while I watch movies, but neither of us had enough money on us for snacks. I ended up having to leave the theater to find stores that might have ATMs, since it didn't look like the theater had one itself. I even asked for directions but got all turned around, and gave up since I figured I was missing too much of the movie as it is. So my friend and I have to watch the movie with nothing to eat. Then, when the movie is over, and we're leaving, I spot an ATM machine somewhere in the theater where I never thought of looking.

06-04-2003, 03:01 AM
Well back when the X-Files was in theaters, I was treated to a "Black Screen" this is the Movie Equivelent fo a "Blue Screen" they haveto change the film reels, experiance "Technicla Difficulty" and in the end make you watch the movie again, lesson learened, don't go toa crappy no-name theater.

Oh and I was with Yugi when we saw Matrix: Reloaded the kids couldn't shut up and I want to know how the heck a bunch of 5/10 year olds got into an R-RATED movie! I mean there was enough cursing to make it so that I wouldnt let a 10 year old see it but I gota say, some people are RUDE and they piss me off to no end, I won't mention the cell-phone people those ar ther ones who I really want to strangle while calling an usher.

06-04-2003, 04:10 AM
This is a good story, you must read.

went to the movies, dont remember what I saw. I went with my girlfriend. There were these punk ass's in the back before the show shouting and yelling...

before the show, so no big deal.

I got up and went for some popcorn. while waiting in line my cell phone rang, the ringer was off so i didnt hear it. I grab my snacks and head back into the theater. I come to find out that it was my girlfriend who called. She called to tell me they asses in the back were making cat calls and stuff to her. She's no shy girl so she told them to shut up and her boyfriend "me" would come back and make em.

I said I was sorry for them being jerks, and went on with my life. Still before the movie started I had to go to the bathroom. So I left. When I got back, I again found out that while I was gone, not only did one of the kids come down to my girls aisle, but asked her to show him her boobs, then continued to talk to her about stuff, saying, "oh what's your boyfriend gunna do".

I show back up. Kid shuts up. Later the KID gets up to go somewhere, I cut him off and put him in a headlock. His friends tell him to run. I tell him "you better go back and apologize to my girl"

"I am not apologizing for anything"

his friends come down to help him. "just calm down man" his friends tell me.

"Your bitchass friend needs to watch his f***ing mouth" I say

"you wanna get kicked out of here" the kid says

"yeah, then I can kick your ass in the parking lot" I say

"just calm down man, he didn't know it was your girl" his friend says

"bull Sh**, " I say

so I release him from his headlock and smack the back of his head knocking off his hat, and push him in the chest. The kid left the theater and I've never seen him since.

Get this. MY GIRL got mad at ME!!! for making a scene in the theater. Go figure, I was proud of myself, other people in the theater were happy I kicked his butt out!

06-04-2003, 05:20 AM
Well...you did overreact man.

06-04-2003, 07:54 PM
Heh, he deserved it.

Hmm...well one time my dad and I went to see Unbreakable the night it came out. We got to the theater 10 mintues before it started and it was packed! We had to sit in 2nd row and to the far right. After the movie, it took me 3 hours to get my neck back to normal.

Perfect Stu
06-04-2003, 08:28 PM
overreacted? not on my terms...

If a guy told my girl to show him her boobs he wouldn't be able to walk out of the theatre. And I don't consider myself a violent man...

06-04-2003, 08:50 PM
Good job crash :D

06-04-2003, 11:51 PM
can't really think of many bad experiences (although I am sure there are some)

went to see Charlie's Angels with some friends when it came out. before the movie started the creepy usher kept "picking" on my friends and me. Came down the isle to tell us to make sure we turn our non-existent cell phones off, then to remind us that we needed to be quiet all through the movie (it hadn't even started yet) and then to let us know that he would appreciate it if we took our trash and threw it away, and to make sure we didn't put our feet on the seats.

finally, the movie starts and he leaves us alone for a little bit. but then the screen starts popping and the picture flips upside down and the sound is gone and there are black spots all over the screen.

they had to cut the movie off. we got free tickets but the whole thing was very irritating

06-05-2003, 12:08 AM
You are my idle Crash.

The Germanator
06-05-2003, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by Perfect Stu
overreacted? not on my terms...

If a guy told my girl to show him her boobs he wouldn't be able to walk out of the theatre. And I don't consider myself a violent man...

Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me...

Storm Eagle
06-05-2003, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by Crash
This is a good story, you must read.

went to the movies, dont remember what I saw. I went with my girlfriend. There were these punk ass's in the back before the show shouting and yelling...

before the show, so no big deal.

I got up and went for some popcorn. while waiting in line my cell phone rang, the ringer was off so i didnt hear it. I grab my snacks and head back into the theater. I come to find out that it was my girlfriend who called. She called to tell me they asses in the back were making cat calls and stuff to her. She's no shy girl so she told them to shut up and her boyfriend "me" would come back and make em.

I said I was sorry for them being jerks, and went on with my life. Still before the movie started I had to go to the bathroom. So I left. When I got back, I again found out that while I was gone, not only did one of the kids come down to my girls aisle, but asked her to show him her boobs, then continued to talk to her about stuff, saying, "oh what's your boyfriend gunna do".

I show back up. Kid shuts up. Later the KID gets up to go somewhere, I cut him off and put him in a headlock. His friends tell him to run. I tell him "you better go back and apologize to my girl"

"I am not apologizing for anything"

his friends come down to help him. "just calm down man" his friends tell me.

"Your bitchass friend needs to watch his f***ing mouth" I say

"you wanna get kicked out of here" the kid says

"yeah, then I can kick your ass in the parking lot" I say

"just calm down man, he didn't know it was your girl" his friend says

"bull Sh**, " I say

so I release him from his headlock and smack the back of his head knocking off his hat, and push him in the chest. The kid left the theater and I've never seen him since.

Get this. MY GIRL got mad at ME!!! for making a scene in the theater. Go figure, I was proud of myself, other people in the theater were happy I kicked his butt out!

I guess I can see why she'd be mad, but she should at least be grateful that you protected her. What those guys did to her, that's SEXUAL F*CKING HARASSMENT! As someone who has never had a girlfriend and is unsure of his fighting skills, it makes me wonder what I would have done, if I had a girlfriend and someone did the things to her that those guys did to your girlfriend. That's great what you did.