View Full Version : What fads from your youth did NOT like?

Storm Eagle
12-18-2010, 11:55 AM
So, when you're a kid, and you're a part of certain fad experiences, your parents would probably get on your case about it, and tell you that the thing you're into is inane. However, there were probably things that were popular in your youth that even you managed to dislike. So what were they? Here, I'll start by sharing mine:

Garbage Pail Kids: They were just too gross for me. I still can't stand to look at them to this day. I probably sound like a hypocrite though, since I can watch most horror movies, played and own the Mortal Kombat games, and am still a huge Beavis and Butt-head fan to this day. I'll admit though, at first they didn't seem so bad to me, and I was even going to start buying them myself. The store I went to was out of them. Then new waves started coming out and were starting to get a bit gross for me. That's when I decided that they actually do suck.

Pacifiers: I saw a lot of kids wearing them when I was in the eighth grade, and I thought they looked damn ridiculous. It totally made my day when the principal announced on the loudspeaker that kids are banned from wearing them in the school.

Okay so this is all I can think of for now. If there were any others, maybe they'll come back to me and I'll mention them.

12-18-2010, 01:51 PM
Garbage Pail Kids:

Wow, I had no idea these things were real, just thought that Always Sunny Made them up for that episode where Charlie is obsessed with them. Hmm, learn something new everyday.

Were these kids "ravers" or into their house music? 8th grade is kind of young to get started on that lifestyle, but that could explain the use of pacifier as a fashion accessory. Either way, good job on not sticking one of those in you mouth.

As for myself?

Livestrong Bracelet: Nobody knew what the cause stood for, yet had one on their wrist. Furthermore, knock offs in the same style but with different colors, sayings, and surely no charitable connection became even more popular that the original, and thus what was meant to be fun means of spreading awareness became something completely else.

Storm Eagle
12-18-2010, 05:43 PM
Wow, I had no idea these things were real, just thought that Always Sunny Made them up for that episode where Charlie is obsessed with them. Hmm, learn something new everyday.

Were these kids "ravers" or into their house music? 8th grade is kind of young to get started on that lifestyle, but that could explain the use of pacifier as a fashion accessory. Either way, good job on not sticking one of those in you mouth.

No, those things were real all right. Garbage Pail Kids were actually made to mock the Cabbage Patch Kids, which were also big in the 80s. GPK started in 1986 and were popular until 1989 I believe. My days as an 80's kid would have been perfect if it weren't for those things. Seeing them stuck on something in random places didn't help either. I remember when I went to orientation for the high school I was about to attend, I saw some stuck on the inside of someone's locker and I prayed to God I never got that locker. Thankfully I never did. They were brought back in 2003, and new ones were made, and the ones from the 80s were re-released in special packs, but thankfully I haven't seen them too much. There was even a movie that came out in 1987 to cash in on the craze. If my mother thought seeing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with me was so bad, then she should consider herself lucky that I never got into Garbage Pail Kids. I feel for any parent who had to see that with their kids. In fact, if you think you can handle it, maybe you should do a search on them.

As for the pacifiers, the kids in my school who sported them weren't ravers or anything. Actually I think the whole thing stemmed from Boyz 'n the Hood, where they had a character who could be seen sucking on a pacifier at times. Now the kids in my school weren't wearing real pacifiers, but things that were shaped like pacifiers.

12-18-2010, 10:20 PM
My parents never told me the fads I were into were dumb.

But anyways - umm, I was never into Tamagotchi-things. I think I was still in elementary, or maybe middle school when everyone had one. I didn't understand the appeal, I would rather play with my real animals.

Those rubber wrist bands were popular just when I was getting out of highschool (we even got one when we graduated), but aside from wearing them mockingly, I wasn't into that, either.

Furby. Never owned one. Never touched one. Never wanted to.

Professor S
12-18-2010, 11:32 PM

Storm Eagle
12-19-2010, 12:39 AM
Those pacifiers I mentioned, they're actually pacifier necklaces. They still looked silly to me, but anyway, this is what they looked like.

Here's another thing that I never bothered with even as a teenager, and it still goes on and I still think is ridiculous. Sagging pants.

12-19-2010, 03:02 PM
Any cards games, I think at the time it was Magic: The Gathering and Marvel Overpowered. Later on it became Pokemon and then Yu-Gi-Oh.

12-19-2010, 03:30 PM
Here's another thing that I never bothered with even as a teenager, and it still goes on and I still think is ridiculous. Sagging pants.


12-19-2010, 04:33 PM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The A-Team
Bikermice from Mars
I never understood what the fuzz was about. I thought it was pretty stupid.

Pokémon cards
Why do the cards when you can play the Gameboy game?

There was this hairstyle for girls that I really didn't like. Sadly I can't find any pictures of it, but it was called a 'hekje.' Dutch for 'small fence.' Because that's what the bangs looked like. They had so much hairgel in it that it stood upright, like she had a fence on top of her head. Aweful, but a lot of girls did that.

12-19-2010, 10:54 PM
I was never into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, even though it was HUGE when I was a kid. I never got into Pokemon Cards either, even though a lot of people my age did...I always kind of felt like I was "too old" for them. I did play the gameboy game some, but only once. Now that I look back on it, my little brother was really into all things Pokemon, so I think I kind of felt like I was too cool or too old for that.

Thats really about the only fads I can think of that were popular that I never got into...here are some others that I DID get involved in:

POGS - I remember Hardees had some sort of POGS promotion where you got piecies of this space ship and it made a Pog Holder. I think I sold my Pogs to someone eventually...cant exactly remember.

Finger skateboards / bikes - I remember these were HUGE when I was in 7th-8th grade (around 2000). They were just little skateboards you "rode" with your fingers and did tricks and stuff. Then game the bikes, which was basically the same concept.

Yo-Yo's: These came back in a big way around the same time as the finger stuff. I remember I actually was decent at walking the dog, cats cradle, and a few other Yo-yo tricks.

Storm Eagle
12-19-2010, 11:52 PM

The guy in the picture is sagging his pants and wearing BRIEFS, which is a lot worse. I've actually seen a guy do that.