View Full Version : Day 2 planning.

07-30-2008, 12:12 AM
Ok, so we found a naked Raiden on rainbow road (wtf is he doing there?) and a light saber which he claims to have found just laying around.

We are supposed to leave some clue behind as to what we found here, though I dont really know how we leave the clue. I would do something along the lines of "naked dude with jedi deliriums." (kind of vague but nobody but Raiden should have the need to be naked.)

Have you guys changed your mind on turret use? I still vote we hold on to it.

About our next place, I would vote for Shadow Moses (connected to Raiden) just to see WTF we find over there, we have to keep in mind that pretty much every place could be booby trapped by now. (all but one actually, 6 teams vs 7 spots)
