View Full Version : Assassin's Creed & The Orange Box for $40 at Best Buy

01-03-2008, 01:00 AM
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcat17080&type=page&qp=crootcategoryid%23%23-1%23%23-1~~q70726f63657373696e6774696d653a3e313930302d30312d3031~~cabcat0700000%23%230%23%2319r~~cabcat07010 00%23%230%23%233z~~nf396%7C%7C4f6e2053616c65&list=y&nrp=15&sc=gameToySP&sp=-bestsellingsort+skuid&usc=abcat0700000

Good deal.

The Orange Box is certainly worth $40, and Assassin's Creed might be...

01-03-2008, 01:41 AM
I have a $10 coupon to waste in the next few days at Best Buy, but I don't think I want to pay $30 for Portal when it's $20 for PC. The rest of the box is simply forcing me to pay for games I have no interest in.

Then there's Assassin's Creed, a game I greatly look forward to because the engine looked brilliant. Now most decent reviews say it's a great engine lacking a game, which only is interesting in the few moments of the assassination itself. Shame, since that's what I would've figured the game is about. I'll play it eventually, but in the mean time I'll save my money.

Condemned 2 is coming out soon, and Too Human some time before the glaciers finish melting. That's what really matters.

01-03-2008, 12:21 PM
The fluid motion and animation of Assassin's Creed is quite impressive, but the core gameplay boils down to "do this and that nine times." It's interesting how developers are able to bring about such improvements in certain areas of a game, but continue to miss on core gameplay mechanics.