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Rankings for Dylflon
Game Score Rank Times Played High Score Age
Resident Evil Apocalypse 30 7 out of 29 1954 6359 Days 23:40:47
Pacman 19950 5 out of 9 1491 5836 Days 03:54
Gator Hop 173 8 out of 17 1450 5714 Days 18:54:56
Snake 2442 4 out of 18 1393 6409 Days 17:32:56
Skee Ball 1650 2 out of 8 1263 3907 Days 03:03:07
Curveball 22630 7 out of 16 1092 4602 Days 18:13:46
Avoision 447 8 out of 16 726 6520 Days 01:07:32
Tetris 16657 9 out of 18 658 6520 Days 08:56:59
Square Bear Reversi 6024 9 out of 16 642 4998 Days 05:48:33
Hexxagon 42 3 out of 18 590 5842 Days 23:46:18
Submarine 28 6 out of 11 494 5711 Days 27:54
Battle Pong 1000 3 out of 18 381 6402 Days 23:04:41
Yeti Sports 5 - Flamingo Drive 1366 6 out of 7 348 5635 Days 02:40:45
Yeti Sports Pentathlon 2455 4 out of 10 348 5725 Days 57:12
Solitare 224 5 out of 11 314 5749 Days 22:41:29
Knife Throw 2 1500 7 out of 18 300 5759 Days 07:30:36
Donkey Kong 6700 7 out of 24 225 6632 Days 04:13:22
Jungle Monkey 9350 2 out of 10 201 4233 Days 06:33:56
Moon Lander 1800 7 out of 20 196 6634 Days 01:35:10
Simon the Rabbit 162 8 out of 9 161 5737 Days 02:12:20
Tower Blaster N/A N/A 154 4229 Days 03:44:46
Ice Age Part 1 - Scrat Jump 190 6 out of 8 152 5725 Days 03:14:34
Breakout 28570 3 out of 11 147 6635 Days 21:21:29
Van TT N/A N/A 146 5635 Days 01:54:19
Duck Hunt 53250 5 out of 14 142 6621 Days 12:53:47
Ten Pin Bowling 100 5 out of 5 115 5656 Days 06:47:12
Galaga Space Invaders 33220 4 out of 11 114 6617 Days 13:44:52
Fishy 85560 1 out of 9 111 5814 Days 16:59:56
Asteroids 26590 4 out of 8 107 6144 Days 17:01:38
Bandit Bites 1380 7 out of 8 100 5715 Days 17:08:50
Yeti Sports 8 - Jungle Swing N/A N/A 97 5703 Days 06:28:39
Flashball 1950 2 out of 8 86 5780 Days 08:12:43
The Donut Shop 180 1 out of 17 77 5803 Days 23:18:21
Craps 999 5 out of 8 69 5723 Days 21:19:17
Batmans Gotham Dark Night N/A N/A 62 5852 Days 04:04:37
Last Stand 2 9 out of 13 58 5819 Days 02:45:46
Yeti Sports 10 - Icicle Climb 9 5 out of 6 57 5479 Days 18:06:07
Spy Hunter 2500 3 out of 8 51 5747 Days 22:44:07
Penguin Flight N/A N/A 49 5715 Days 06:11:16
Yeti Sports 3 Bloody Seal Bounce 97853 4 out of 4 46 5703 Days 03:12:20
Missle Command 12060 8 out of 10 45 5816 Days 02:23:13
Yeti Puzzlekick 39000 3 out of 3 43 5696 Days 02:54:26
Space Invaders 47690 4 out of 7 42 6632 Days 03:34:06
Missile Strike N/A N/A 41 5793 Days 07:26:14
Tarballch 3 8 out of 9 39 5723 Days 20:56:27
YetiSports 10 - The End 1875 3 out of 9 36 5710 Days 05:49:49
Spongebob Snowboard Race 1120 3 out of 10 35 5751 Days 03:53:07
Free Cell 1995 1 out of 4 35 5851 Days 01:33:26
Yetisports StageDive 23 4 out of 4 33 4234 Days 01:39:16
Spongebob Shuffleboard 109 8 out of 8 31 5724 Days 07:14:36
Suduko 687000 2 out of 4 30 5717 Days 20:13:04
Birds Of A Feather Slots 1020 3 out of 9 30 5745 Days 22:11:07
Solitare 78530 1 out of 5 26 5596 Days 13:17:17
Dog Game 3 5 out of 9 24 5751 Days 03:19:41
Harry Potter: Marauders Map 3455 5 out of 6 22 5745 Days 20:39:05
Wilie E Coyote Rocket Ride N/A N/A 19 5750 Days 20:35:35
Bugs Bunny:The Island Of Dr. Moron N/A N/A 16 5840 Days 19:20:07
Player Details for Dylflon
1st Place Finishes: 4
2nd Place Finishes: 4
3rd Place Finishes: 8
Top Ten Finishes: 33
Total Games In Arcade: 57
Total Games Played By 49
Total Games Played: 16714

ibProArcade v2.5.8+
Extended vBulletin-Version by MrZeropage (www.vbulletin.org)
© Chris Kelly 2004

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