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    Curveball High Scores
Description Modification of classic old school pong. Hit the ball with your paddle but make it curve to win.
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Top Scores
achieved in the game Curveball the best score of all times
Highscore: 32215
# Username Score Comment Time
1 Typhoid 32215 Well that only took me 3 years. What now. 07-14-12 0:24
2 Professor S 31765 No you will NOT get me. BOW DOWN I SAID!! 04-24-09 14:03
3 Neo 27045 Puke 01-24-12 15:02
4 Nighthawk 25330 I\'m getting dizzy :S 05-11-09 16:06
5 Dark Samurai 23850 Its been awhile... 02-18-10 0:22
6 Ric 22900 You are a winner (and so can I )! 06-25-09 11:50
7 Dylflon 22630 I\'m riding on a dolphin, doin\' flips n\' shit! 03-30-09 19:09
8 Teuthida 21880 02-14-09 20:58
9 Fox 6 19095 the government is putting flouride in the drinking water 03-05-10 0:08
10 Yoda9864 16245 02-21-09 23:52

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